


6 years, 9 months ago



Juliet Rosalind

Name Juliet Rosalind Pronouns She/Her
Age 18 Gender Female
Race Vespertilion Role Bard
Height average Build BUFF
MBTI content Sign content
Alignment chaotic Good Theme song link
Lyra's Stories
Dark Corners
Reminders of Pain


Her motto is practice makes perfect.... which means she tends to overwork herself in pursuit of perfection. Her friends are pretty helpful in keeping her from pushing too hard, but her habits are hard to break.


She is the kind of person to do 3 straight days of research and create a perfect schedule for 3 or months to perfect whatever project she's working on. Has a cute planner with highlighters and stickers and Perfect Writing


She finds so much joy in everything; its really hard for her to be sad, which is why the events of the s̵̯͈̠̦̊ͥ̄̾̓͒p̨̙̙o̳̲͛̍͐o͐̑̔͛͐̐͢k̡̫̫̼͇̓̚ỹ̧̥̠̬̻͇̫ ̱̫̙͆̆́d̂̃҉̘̦̣̤ạ̸̠̜̳͍ͪ̃ͫy̺̫̬̭̜̻̔ hit her so hard. Afterwards she was a little jaded and hard to reach, but her close friends helped her relax back into her previous life



family follows Zenith and Nova, the lovers. she's really pleased that she lives during Nova's era

if she had a familiar it would be a swan

super athletic and graceful; very good dancer. charming and super smart; if she weren't so into dance, she would've joined the others in science (though she does do crystal/magic science with them on the side); very optimistic; strong leader; she's really in tune to people's emotions and talents

has the best narration voice. makes people cry of happiness when she reads for them


She's been training as a professional ballerina since forever. There's just something about music that makes her want to move, and while she plans on mastering the art of ballet, she does dabble in other genres. She considers herself lucky to have found her calling so quickly.


She loves all the outfits shes gets to wear while dancing, and she has a blast going on shopping trips with Lyra and Dennis. They as a trio find the best shit and one day they will convince Aeris to convince Elain to come too.

Lyra's Stories

She's been searching for job offers of "Reading Exclusively My Girlfriend's Hand-Written Stories For Live Audiences." No luck so far, but maybe one day. They make a stunning pair in the world of writing with Lyra's elegant prose and her clear and warm voice.

Dark Corners

Her experiences during the repeating day have put her on edge, and made her a bit paranoid. Dark alleys, rooms with only one exit... There's just too many places that feel more like traps for her now.

Reminders of Pain

Blood of any amount will make her freeze up. She won't go near anything particularly sharp looking except for crystals, and even with those, all the specimens in her collection are carefully smoothed out. She's surprising desensitized to skeletons and bones though, likely due to her girlfriend's collection and Dennis's newfound hobby of taking her on joyrides to ruins. Ruins are hella rad.

Lyra 1354387?1542250086

love at first poem; feel in love with her writing and became best friends. wrote her a poem in return and asked her out that way. Was really excited to get to meet her in person now that she's living in the capitol city. They are the best pair of dancers, though Lyra's more into writing now. Juliet loves reading her stories, and reciting her works to groups.

Aeris 1354382?1542249913

They are. the bestest of bros. The coolest of chums. There is no force that could separate this match of friends, because they are the greatest the universe has and will ever fucking see. Honestly, the pair is pretty uncanny, especially with all the time shenanigans and bullshit. But the s̵̯͈̠̦̊ͥ̄̾̓͒p̨̙̙o̳̲͛̍͐o͐̑̔͛͐̐͢k̡̫̫̼͇̓̚ỹ̧̥̠̬̻͇̫ ̱̫̙͆̆́d̂̃҉̘̦̣̤ạ̸̠̜̳͍ͪ̃ͫy̺̫̬̭̜̻̔ was pretty meaningful in slapping the two of them together, and even without it they would've probably gotten along quite well. It also helps that they worked perfectly as a team on multiple stealth missions that probably could have easily ended in their deaths and definitely should have required an obscene amount of trust for two kids who met the day before but hey.

Dennis 990814?1542250140

Dennis is like, the coolest cousin in the world. Theysuggested agreed to let Juliet crash at their place for as long as she wanted as long as needed because they knew her girlfriend is in the area. They go on the raddest of shopping trips and put together the best Looks™. When they walk through town, everyone's eyes are on them. Dennis also has no problem with her hijacking their lab for random crystal science and frequently takes her on probably-a-legal-grey-area visits to ruin sites when they do cool chemistry tests, and she solves weirdly still functional puzzles and nabs crystals off of the walls.