Maximus (Alter Ego) (Max, Saints Row)





Leader of the Saints, boyfriend thief, and a god amongst men 



Caesar Et Brutus (Max/Pierce)



  •  Music:
    Maximus listens to about anything from classic to post-hardcore but he obviously has his favorites; Entail of Crow, Post Malone, The Weekend, etc
  •  Movies:
    Monty Python. He loves Month Python. Other movies he likes are Drive, Bronson, and the Night at the Museum movies.
  •   Food:
    Everything. Just put something in front of him and he'll eat it.


  •  Music: 
  • Country... ugh
  •  Movies:
  • Chick flicks put him to sleep
  • Food: 
  • Idk put something in front of him and if he doesn't like it, he'll let you know. Trust me. 


  •   Max is 28 years old in SR2, 33 in SR3, and 39 in SR4
  • his favorite video game is Street Fighter
  • He doesn't believe in morals or a black and white area where you're either a good person or a bad person. You can be a bad person and do good sometimes, or be good and do bad sometimes. These things are just "human" to him.
  • He loves all his bitches but Pierce is his favorite bitch. Shhh don't tell the others.
  • He's most comfortable with Angel. Although he thinks the man's methods of helping him find peace and control his anger are strange, he enjoys Angel's company and feels understood by him, something he rarely ever feels with anyone.
  • He thinks it's more likely he'll die from a heart attack due to his anger issues than a bullet and he hates it. HE WANTS TO GO OUT IN A BLAZE OF GLORY!!
  • He's a huge music lover
  •   Max only accepted his homosexuality in his late 20s, early 30s. During SR2, he was still struggling with his identity and it didn't help that at the time he had very complicated feeling for Pierce that he couldn't understand. Somewhere along the events of SR2 and SR3, he got the rainbow tattoo on his chest as a sign of acceptance and embracing who he was. .... BUUUUT he still has very complicated feelings for Pierce that don't get resolved until after the events of SR4.



Maximus is a lean, mean, fighting machine. He likes to think he's the life of the party; by that I mean he's loud and he thinks he's funny but that's not necessarily true. Sometimes he's just annoying. He talks, a lot. About what? Anything and everything... But nothing of actual importance.
He's an asshole, and I mean it. Like choosing to kill Killbane over saving Shaundi kind of asshole. He loves his crew but he's also hotheaded and most, if not ALL, of his thinking is done through his fists.

His head empty, no thoughts, only thots.

His anger issues stemmed from a young age where having to fight other kids for self defense turned into a need to establish control and dominance, and things just got worse as he grew older with his anger going unchecked. There was a boiling point where he realized how ugly anger has made him and he tried to chill by becoming this haha funny guy, but old habits die hard and sometimes he's only a word away from going berserk.
Not all of his anger is from other people, after discovering he's gay, Maximus went through an era of denial and self-hatred as he struggled with toxic masculinity and internalized homophobia. But eventually he learned to accept who he was and with his new found love for himself came something else... A love for chaos.
Maximus adapted a mindset that can only be described as "I don't give a fuck" only his opinion of himself is valid, and the opinions of those closest to him. The rest? They could eat bullets. Sure, self acceptance helped him with his self image, but for others? He has become a walking nightmare.

Max is a sadomasochist, combine that with his batshit crazy, trigger happy, hotheaded personality and you got yourself someone who definitely deserves to be a part of the Saints.


  • - smoker:
    Maximus is a heavy smoker. When he first got into it, he did so just cuz he thought it made him look cool. But he also found it to help him control his anger as well as put him at ease at his worst times. He doesn't want to quit but he should.

  • - short temper:
    - cocky and self absorbed
    He loves himself, what can I tell ya? Dude thinks he's a god or something. What he achieved with the Saints certainly hasn't helped him be more modest.

  • - hard time communicating
    How to people? He's not sure. Often times he doesn't even feel human so how can he be expected to act like one? Was he not supposed to make a joke at a funeral? Whoops. Listen, they're dead. It's not like it matters. They're not gonna be offended... Cuz they can't be.

  • - Apathy:
    Sorry he hasn't apologized for killing your family while he was raining destruction upon Steelport. To be fair, he thinks it's their fault for being there. Couldn't they see that he was busy shooting people and blowing shit up?


  • Other than causing mayhem and mass destruction? Sports, obviously. He loves GenkiBowl. He's played various sports himself such as football, boxing, hockey, and wrestling.
    He also played a few musical instruments as a young boy, none that he remembers how to play now but it has made him a lover of music.
    When he's not busy murdering his way to the top, he also enjoys playing video games. So you know... When he's not being recognized as the local psychopath, he's just a very regular person with regular interests.

  •  42420170_GJ2w1oJ3bhqdTKF.png


Maximus is a big fella. He's tall, standing at 6'6, wide at the shoulders and lean at the hips, like your typical highschool quarterback. He looks like the guy that bullied you in school, and he probably did. Maximus usually wears dark colors. Not in an emo way. Saturated colors make him sick. You'll often find browns, purples, and blacks in his wardrobe

His outfits of choice are usually jackets, preferably leather, bomber jackets, biker jackets, marshmallow vests, or varsity jackets. If not any of these then he prefers to walk around in a tank top.

Same goes for his pants, dark colors or beige.

As for shoes, he likes to wear steel reinforced worker boots or sneakers.

He's mostly seen wearing fingerless gloves or boxing wraps, sometimes, if he's feeling extra pretty, he might put a ring on or something.

SR 2
SR 344594371_YoCaDw2GjvVvVoh.png
 Agents of Mayhem AU45649374_xcSirLfYMiRVlWR.png?1645180360

Check tabs for more refs



The Saints

He fits in with them, what can he say? He has a love for chaos and destruction which makes him just as good as any other Saint really.  He respects them, they respect him. He views them as his dysfunctional family. Max can be cruel and he is a tyrant at times, he struggles with balancing him being a chill leader but not too chill that his crew stops taking him seriously, or too harsh that they want to overthrow him. 


Saint Lieutenants

Pierce: Max's relationship with Pierce is... complicated. It's no secret to all the other Saints and especially Max's Lieutenants that Pierce is his favorite. He's the boss's right hand man and the person Max calls first in an emergency. Hell, he became closer to Max than Gat was. Despite that, Max is also the harshest on Pierce, especially when they first met. Truth is, Max is afraid of Pierce. He always views the man as his Brutus, the one that will one day backstab him and throw him under the bus, although Pierce has no intention of doing so and has remained extremely loyal to his Caesar, Max can't help his paranoia and so he belittles Pierce which is tough for him because he really likes him. Keep your friends close but your potential enemies closer. He's trying to work on it. 

Shaundi: The sister he never had. They used to be close but their relationship had gotten shaky after Max had chosen to possibly let her die so he could go after revenge instead.

Johnny Gat: They're pretty tight. Johnny always will have a special place in Max's cold and dingy heart. They were best friends and they're still very close. But he didn't take Gat's death as hard as Shaundi did and that made him think about their relationship. There are things he found that he would never be able to tell Gat, not because he can't but rather, he thinks Gat wouldn't understand. So he prefers to talk to Pierce about the more personal stuff. Gat doesn't take it personally. 

Others: Max doesn't get along with Kenzie and Matt. He thinks of Kenzie more like an acquaintance but he really doesn't like Matt. The kid is too much of a drama queen and Max has no patience for him. He definitely prefers Kenzie but being the asshole that he is, Max had no shame telling the two to their face that he would have bullied them if they went to school together. 

He enjoys the company of Angel and Oleg a lot. Angel has helped Max a lot with his mental struggles, especially his anger issues. He feels peace with them.


He's distant with them. He likes to believe things are alright with his mother now but a part of him still can't forgive her for who he turned out to be.


Friends? Yeah... sure... Max has some of those... totally. The Saints are the only friends he needs


Max isn't the type of person that falls in love easily. It could take decades for him to get to that point. This is not only because he trusts people so little, but he also lacks the emotional interest. He does feel attraction but being attracted to someone and actually being able to have a stable relationship with them are two different things. It's hard for him to form a connection with people and it's all too complicated for him. He doesn't want to bother with it all.
In all of his 39 years of living, Max has fallen in love a total of ONE time. But he likes to spend some quality time with men for a one night stand they'll never forget. 



Overall story:

Max is generally private about who he was before he took on his new name. He doesn't think his life before the Saints is worth talking about. However, he is very open about the struggles he went through growing up such as dealing with his self-image and toxic masculinity and how it affected him and his mindset.

He mentions being in various groups in school, mostly sports.

Sometimes he might even mention his mother, someone who he doesn't love but doesn't hate either. His mother was cruel and often thought that beating the hell out of Maximus meant she was disciplining him even though it was quite the contrary, it made him lash out more and only fed his anger. But as she aged, she has come to realize the damage she had done to her son, even if it was now too late. He grew up hating her, but they've made amends. Whether she is still alive or not is never made known by him.

He never mentions any siblings and rarely talks about his father, mostly because there's nothing to tell. His father was rarely ever around since his job required him to be away most the time.

In his young adult years, Maximus has taken interest in ancient mythology, mostly Greek, but his favorite was Roman history. Initially he wanted to take on a name like Caesar or Brutus but thought it was too cliche, then he thought of Marius. Then, it happened, he saw it... A beautiful steel helmet. A replica of the helmet worn by Russell Crowe in the movie "Gladiator". It was love at first sight, and he decided to steal the helmet, and that's how he became Maximus.

The helmet is still with him and he likes to keep it in his room. Sometimes he wears it and pretends to be a badass gladiator, yelling at a crowd of Saints below "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?" He considers this helmet to be his most valuable item and his proudest steal.



Max has lived several lives. He wasn't always the leader of the Saints, in fact, he was once more than just that. One of his first ever lives saw him being a Legatus, leading Legio Victrix, his faithful legionary, across not just Rome, but Egypt and other nations as well, conquering all of them on his way. His bond to Rome remained strong, although he doesn't remember his past lives, he still feels longing to a home that his current version of himself does not even know.

His second most notable life is that of the Maximus that the Saints are familiar with and the one whose story is being told. 

His third notable reincarnation is that of the Agents of Mayhem AU.  



profile html by Hukiolukio