Effervescent Bourrue Bonnevali



6 years, 7 months ago


Effervescent has had a hard life. Let me hit the bullet points because tbh that's most of what I have at the moment. He is 4'2" btw. Tiny baby man

  • When he was about 12-14 his parents started getting divorced and he was sent to a boarding school. At the boarding school he met Calico Eudoxia and Jesster Bonnevali. He tried to bully Jesster but he wasn't very good at it and was mostly scared of her & Calico and Calico beat him up a lot for it
  • When he was 14 through a series of bad decisions Effervescent ended up in the wrong side of town and got kidnapped. 
  • He was stuck as a victim in a concept trafficking scene for at least 4 years, maybe more? He got out somehow but I'm not sure how yet
  • Because of his being forced to eat other's -inset whatever concept Eff had as a kid I'm not sure- for years and years when Effervescent metamorphized he got a lot of gems. At least 44. 
  • NOW THIS IS A BIT WEIRD AND IDK THE DETAILS OF HOW IT HAPPENED BUT. Eff somehow got displaced in time?? Went back a good couple centuries. 
  • Need to figure out the details but while in The PastTM Effervescent met Nastasia and they became good friends. 
  • Also while in the past Eff had to fight a lot for some reason and so he got very good with magic. He's kind of a tiny little magic powerhouse. 
    • His magic is mostly offensive and helps him move faster/jump higher with the assistance of blasts of magical force as opposed to strengthening and enhancing his own body.
    • With magic he can make the ground shake around him/possibly manipulate the ground? Maybe a little earth bender actions going on. He also can use blasts of magic force to knock people back. Or use magic force as a defensive barrier.
  • Somehow Nastasia was trying to help Eff get back to his own time. Eff wanted to show it to her, if only temporarily before bringing her back. But before she could come she died of some illness? And she told Eff to return home without her. So some how or other he managed to get back to his own time. All the time travel shenanigans are very up in the air on how they worked.
  • After returning to the present Effervescent met Jesster again in line for ice cream when he ordered some and forgot that the centuries old money in his pocket will not actually buys him anything. Recognizing him(? maybe?) Jesster decides to step in a pay for him, then sits down and eats ice cream with him and they get to catch up more or less. Jess asks him where he's living and Effervescent realizes he does not have a place to stay or any kind of plan and breaks down, Jesster invites him to stay at her apartment for now
  • Later on he and Jesster start dating, and when they want to get married per Jesster's (embarrassing in her mind) family tradition in order to be allowed to marry her Effervescent has to duel her grandmother Bonnevali in order to prove he was devoted. Jesster had no idea of Effervescent's fighting and the extent of his magic abilities and to absolutely everyone's shock Effervescent actually won the duel. (The point of the duel in the first place wasn't actually to win just to prove you were committed. But they neglected to tell Eff he didn't actually have to win so he gave it his absolute all)

When Eff got back to his proper time he was pretty messed up. His best friend being dead and all. And all of a sudden being home in a place he hadn't seen in over a decade. With like, way more new technologies he doesn't remember. He probably talks a bit funny now too, with his old timey speak he got used to.

One of his concepts is memories (it has to be a specific kind of memories but I haven't figured out what yet) and because of the vast amount of other people's memories he's eaten over the years he has trouble with his memory a lot. Getting things mixed up, or treating other people's memories as his own. A lot of his childhood and especially his time kidnapped he's blocked out because the memories are painful and traumatic, so that's allowed a lot of the not-actually-his memories take their place. He can be very spacey, especially when trying to remember things like that.

Music Inspiration

Live While I Breathe by The Moth and the Flame
So Long by Zooey Deschanel (w/ Nastasia)