


2 years, 6 months ago


Basic info

Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'5"
Family: Oseana (Mother), Caspian (Father), Triton (Older brother)

Despite being very airheaded and friendly, Seaton had a quite tragic childhood. While he doesn't know the details, when he was very young, his parents who were the queens personal aide and knight, had done something to cross the tyrant king. This lead to him arranging an assassination attempt on them. This of course failed, but lead to many other types of similar attempts. Seeing that this was putting both themselves and their sons in danger they made a decision to disappear, faking their deaths and making it seem as if the assassination attempt succeeded. After they disappeared, Triton would also do so, believing they couldn't be dead and insisting to search for them. Before leaving he would entrust Seaton with Tulia and her family, as they were trusted friends. Not long after, Seaton met Francis, who was the kingdoms only heir to the throne at the time. He would eventually gain a position as one of Francis' aides. He would typically give more insight and advice regarding the citizens opinions and the status of their lands as he would often visit towns and interacted with the lower classes more so than nobility. 

When the revolution began, Seaton did not have much of a role for the revolt as much as he spread the word and helped clear out citizens to decrease the chance of causalities and people being caught in the crossfire. 
After Francis took the throne, he offered Seaton the chance to continue being his aide, Seaton would take the role for a while until the Kingdom was stable after the changes were put in place. Often going around and surveying the state of the many towns and provinces. 

Now he has stepped back from the political scene and taken time to enjoy the smaller things in life, occasionally traveling and making new connections. This is how he met Maki, they became friends quite quickly and Maki seems to bring out a more feral, unhinged side of Seaton (which he never knew he had as he lived a noble, upper class life). They often explore wooded areas, enjoy pudding together, and in general often act like cryptids. a very sweet couple.

~Currently dating Maki. Will protect him with his all. (even though Maki is stronger physically)

~Has a sort of "adopted" family who took care of him when his family was missing (this includes Tulia, his 'older sister' and Indra [TBA] his 'older brother')
~Despite still being considered a noble in his kingdom, he's extremely chill and playful