ms narune



2 years, 6 months ago


a mysterious lady that work her enchanting magic in the shadows! she is very esoteric to most people, but she is familiar friends/basically coworkers with asari. pronounced "na-rue-nay".

she's quite the mystical lady, having seemingly appeared out of nowhere one night to join the circus theatre. her natural magical powers (thanks to her lineage) made her quite the skilled scryer, cartomancer, and occultist, but her actual abilities are far stronger than she actually lets off. beneath her mysterious facade, narune is quite the tactician, ensuring she has an abundance of secret knowledge under her belt with her power and ablities.

unbeknownst to anyone else, narune is the illegitimate daughter of windy and nightmare, being raised solely by the former for her entire life. she's been well aware of her origins since she was a child, so she's come to terms with it, but she had to grow up somewhat isolated in a mostly rural area for her entire life due to the threat her father could pose. she's incredibly close with windy, but the two unfortunately had to split paths temporarily once the intergalactic war between her father and the star warriors/GSA started, since it turned out that nightmare was targeting fellow deities who opposed him. this, paired with the fact that windy had been a target of nightmare for over a millennia beforehand, made windy not want to risk narune being caught in the potential crossfire if they were caught. there's a lot of grief there, having to move so suddenly + be separated from her parent, but she still fortunately gets to see windy in secret ever so often. admittedly has some separation issues, considering all of this.

her thoughts on her father, nightmare, are... pretty direct. she doesn't really like him at all, considering the hell he's put windy through, and that's on top of the 1000 other stuff he's done. he's entirely unaware of her existence, and while a part of her wishes to get back at him for all the damage he's caused, she knows it'd be better off keeping it that way. there's no desire to create a bond with him, considering how she doesn't even know that guy and has only ever seen her parent as windy. and she's not dumb enough to think that nightmare would even hypothetically form a bond with her in the first place LMAO

despite being introverted and secretive most of the time, narune once in a while (aka rarely) preforms a captivating masquerade preformance/musical at the circus theatre, being the main star of the show. during this performance, she makes sure to keep her identity as much under wraps as possible, while still enthralling the crowd. she has albinism which plays into why she stays in the shadows quite a bit.