


6 months, 10 days ago


windy... god of wind lol. they/them, 1000+ years old

has been getting chased and terrorized by nightmare for over a millennia. they used to be friends with him back during ancient times when he first ascended to divinehood, but once he went down the evil route he attempted to kill them as to eliminate any potential competition/opposition from someone who actually had power (ie: a fellow deity). all went downhill for them after that.

very paranoid, tired, and flightly, reasonably so. they're exhausted from the centuries of terror, and while they're not always getting chased 24/7, nightmare is both persistent and routine enough to make them not take any chances. they've remained mostly solitary for all these years, save for their friendship with pastora, the god of sheperds and livestock, who's helped them when he's been able to. save for all the terror, the only genuine joy they've gotten has been from their daughter, narune. while the backstory as to how they and nightmare had an illegitimate child is unknown (considering their relationship was already terrible for centuries even before her conception), they've worked hard to raise her all by themself while also trying to evade nightmare and keep their daughter's existence hidden from him. 

around the time the intergalactic war started, the two packed up from the rural cottage they'd been living in for years, fleeing into space. sometime later, windy unfortunately received a heads up from pastora that nightmare, with his connections, was getting deities who attempted to stand up against him/provide aid and allyship with the star warriors/GSA killed. in order to ensure their daughter's safety, the two split ways, narune beginning to work and live at the circus theater, while windy remained in the cosmos, staying as hidden as possible. it definitely caused a lot of grief, considering how it'd always just been them together for all these years, but windy still luckily visits narune in secret when they can.

windy, with all their experience and knowledge regarding nightmare both as an individual and the power he wielded, already knew the chances of the star warriors/GSA beating him were nearly impossible. they had a very pessimistic view on the whole thing when tensions first arose, and they were eventually proven right.