


2 years, 6 months ago


In Heat x Bloodpop! 

Spooky Man

Zabi ! Goes by he/they


A walking corpse who always seems to be out of place, those that did not understand him were often quick to judge. However that didn’t matter, he was perfectly fine being the odd one out. As a matter of fact, he enjoyed it!

Besides, he’d consider his friends to be even wackier than he is. In a somewhat positive way he may say, but wouldn’t admit. And they were certainly lots more fun!

He was initially created by Ekjul, a highly intelligent surgeon, to serve as a sort of assistant. He was the very first of his creations.

At first he had no problem with going along with the rules/commands, but eventually it became repetitive and tiring. As time went on, he became less obedient. Never doing as he was told and on several occasions he’d talk back. At one point he just stopped listening altogether.

Ekjul didn’t understand why he was acting like this. When his father had created him, he listened to every word he said. Never questioning him; if he was told to do something, he’d do it right away without hesitation. This was something he’d have to learn the hard way.

Zabi eventually got sick of the way Ekjul treated him. He felt like he treated him more like a brainless robot, instead of another living being who had thoughts of their own. Someone who had feelings and desires. He didn’t want to be stuck doing house maid work, and to never be acknowledged for all that he does. So he finally did the unthinkable, he ran away..

Somewhere along the way of living out on the streets by his lonesome, he came across someone who was different. WAY different. He couldn’t quite figure out what intrigued him most about this stranger. Was it the way he looks? The way he talks? Was it his whole attitude? Who knows honestly, he could care less for all that. What really pulled him in was that he didn’t particularly stick by the rules. Oh no, he broke every. single. one.

And that fascinated him more than anything else. He never liked strict rules to begin with, but he never thought of completely disregarding it altogether. From that day forward, he looked at him like a teacher. And even later down that line, he finally understood what a friend truly was.


- deliberately despises to be called “it” for very personal reasons (reminds them of being considered an object rather than a living being)

- he’s on good terms with Ekjul now. After a well needed talk, he got to be his own person. So he no longer works for Ekjul.

- through the help of Dooley, his newfound best friend, he figured out many things about himself. 

- he half-jokingly calls Dooley the better teacher. Occasionally he’ll even say the better father, which initiates a dangerous game of tag.

- often ends up being dumped own with many personal details about others by Zero. He’s still trying to understand the concept of gossiping lol

- when he’s feeling less chaotic then usual, he spends his time wondering in places that are usually void of people. The forest, being one of his many pit stops, is where he met Skiz.

- although he often hangs out with Dooley due to his chaotic nature, his next go to person is max. He’s basically his prank buddy; and he’s the most unpredictable, which makes for quite a ton of surprises. Doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, at least that makes him entertaining.