


11 months, 13 days ago

Basic Info

- kinda wanna headcanon that he’s wearing a rainbow onesie lol

- kinda also wanna headcanon that he’s wearing a mask that changes and morphs into different expressions

- goop can be dripping behind the mask or down his neck


Freakin’ Freak
Dooley ! Goes by he/they/it


Don’t let his friendly appearance fool you. He isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.. most can’t take him seriously enough due to this. So he has compromised with the new addition of a blade! Call him cute and shink ! You have been stabbed.. congratulations..



- is quite skilled with his knife

- definitely likes to paint his claws, probably even sharpens his claws with his knife

He also gives me “he’s committed multiple heinous crimes but he’s just a silly little guy” vibes

Now I also wonder if he eats, and what exactly would he eat? Can he consume anything? Maybe his goop would completely cover and consume whatever he intends to eat without effort. I don’t think his goop would melt things though, but act like a portal to another dimension. Which is oddly more terrifying to think about heh ^^;

Lol something I thought of real quick. Might be subject to change in the future as I figure out his personality and all