Karyl Moonrise



6 years, 8 months ago


Name:  Karyl Moonrise

Age (current):  30

Gender:  Female

Species:  Lupine (Desert Wolf)

Occupation:  Bodyguard

Original Identity:  Lost Princess

Historical/Biographical Data:

Karyl is a Desert Wolf from the Central Desert Regions—in fact, she was born not far from where Soren’s original home was.   Could that be some strange coincidence?  There is no such thing in this world, but there are thoughts that.Fate had brought Karyl into Soren’s path………..and could it be her fate to join with him, in order to reclaim the old life that she has long forgotten?

She was taken, as a child, from her home with the Desert Tribes by the Immortal Breed Twins……Cory (Unicorn-male) and Bri (Pegasus-female)…….who work for the Ancient God, Kaidaoh Eclipse.   They trained her to become an assassin and hunter, like them—so that she would also serve Kai.   But perhaps Kai’s greatest mistake was sending her alone to assassinate Soren Vincaire.  Soren’s jovial attitude and kindness break through to her and she began to question her life and her seeming fate.   In the end, she joined with Soren to confront Kai and the Twins, in order to eliminate the threat of an old God’s whims and to free the Faeries from the rest of the Fairy Boxes in the world.

After defeating Kaidaoh Eclipse and welcoming the Faerie of the Supreme Fairy Box as a friend, Karyl had nowhere else to go and chose to follow Soren home.   So, together with the small Faeries……….Jin-Lai (Icon of Earth), Fei-Shu (Icon of Water), Bao-Zhu (Icon of Fire) and Violet (possibly the Icon of Wind)……..they all go to follow Soren home and find themselves wrapped into the possible end of the world.