Soren Vincaire



8 years, 6 months ago


Name:  Soren Vincaire

Age (current):  50

Gender:  Male

Species:  Peafowl (Peacock)

Wizard Rank: Grand Master

Monastery Rank: Bishop

Historical/Biographical Data:
Soren comes from a wealthy family in the Central Desert Regions and is the 3rd of seven children. He was enrolled at a high-profile Wizarding School, until he was expelled for some of his...not-so-upright activities. As punishment, the Headmaster of the school encouraged Soren's parents to send him to a monastery, so that the young Peacock would learn manners, as well as how to use his magical abilities. Though unhappy with being locked away at the monastery...Soren settled down when an infant Wolf was abandoned at the place and attached to him—he was like a older brother/father to the child and became much more mature over time. His magic also matured under the schooling of the monks...though he can use a wide range of magical abilities, he tends to prefer Wind Magic the most (with Water Magic the second most used magic by him). And Soren also learned a variety of martial arts while at the monastery.

When Tobias (the Wolf that Soren raised) was a teenager, Soren chose to accompany him to the Northern Snowy Regions...where Wolves were known to come from...and they discovered a massive conspiracy--and that Tobias was a Prince who went missing long ago. Along with three other companions, who joined them along the way to the north, the five took down the evil conspirators and Tobias took the throne as the new King of the North. Before Soren was about to leave the Northern Kingdoms...he discovered a strange, decorative container—a "Fairy Box". After releasing the Faerie inside of it...Soren was presented with a mystery—Faeries were known only as mythical creatures, but here was a real one right now...what happened to the Faeries of the world? And so, Soren set off on a quest to discover the mysteries of the Fairy Boxes and the dark forces behind imprisoning all the Faeries. But these forces tried to do everything to stop him...even setting an assassin on his trail!!!

After a couple years of being pursued by Karyl and finding a few empty Fairy Boxes as well as some Fairy Boxes with dead Faeries inside, Soren comes to the conclusion that the enemy is in the lush jungles of the Far South.  So, again he journeys far from his home, to confront an unseen foe.  He befriended Karyl and divined her true status as a Central Desert Tribal Princess, together they headed into the jungles to find an enemy as ancient as the entire world…………..when confronting Kaidaoh Eclipse, he discovered the Ancient God thought to release a force of world destruction from the Supreme Fairy Box.When what emerged from the final Fairy Box wasn’t the destruction Kai intended, he was defeated by Soren and his allies.

Now Soren is thinking of heading back home and possibly settling down.   Karyl has nowhere to go, as Kaidaoh had destroyed all of her home and her people, so she chooses to accompany him.  The released Faeries have nowhere to go, either, so choose to go with Soren.   But when you have icons of the elements in your party—even going home is never easy……..and the energy released into the world through the Fairy Boxes have resurrected the most unexpected of foes.

It's time for Soren to seek old allies to join with his new ones and take down a classic foe, who now has more power than even an Ancient God………….