


2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Billie
Age: Unclear but appears to be in her 50’s
Pronouns: she/they
Species: ????
Height: 7’1”

Despite her imposing stature and icy attitude, Billie is rather placid. She has a sense of indifference but without dissatisfaction, she keeps to herself and lives a rather modest life and is fine with this. She works in a packing house and does not socialize with others, she spends her free time at home picking up whatever hobby or subject interests her at a given time but keeps her explorations casual. She is not a passionate person but not apathetic, she has a sense of resignation to her that compliments her worldly attitude. She never talks about herself, even if asked and will outright refuse to answer questions that pertain to her personal information and may become even more chilly towards those who press. She tends to stay out of other peoples problems but will step in if she feels a need to, though her solutions are direct and clinical but not blunt or tactless. Overall she is living her life day by day and keeping herself entertained but has no real ambitions or dreams anymore, content to appreciate the present and having learned her lesson about hubris in the past.

Pawley- A young ghoul who approached her rather recklessly seeking to keep her company though she did not ask for it. She in return gave them rather harsh unsolicited criticism about their behavior but instead of being offput they returned the next day with a thank you gift. Billie was baffled by this and over time was endeared to them and views Pawley as her family now, and gives advice in a much more constructive and gentle way (as gentle as she can manage at least). She is protective of them. Theyre the only person allowed to call her Bibi.

Haben- The two got off to a rough start as she did not trust his intentions with Pawley, and he did not trust hers, but the misunderstanding was quickly cleared up. They aren’t very close but Billie treats him with respect since Pawley clicks with him the most. Haben often visits her home with them. She isn’t sure what the nature of their relationship is but tries not to pry unless Pawley seeks advice.

Nic+Nate- Habens friends who sometimes accompany him as well, she has no real feelings towards them. They both seem pleasant enough though the woman is visibly nervous and the man often seems baffled by things around him which amuses Billie.

-Has horse ears pinned back into her hair, she lets them up a home
-Despite her frame she has a soft but clear voice
-Isnt affectionate but sometimes will pat Pawleys head just once
-Thought Haben was another ghoul at first and was genuinely surprised hes human
-Her blood is nearly transparent