


2 years, 6 months ago
af ss


Name: Haben
Age: 24
Pronouns: he/him
Species: human
Height: 5’6”

Haben at a glance is weird but friendly guy who doesn’t get bothered by much, hes hard to get on the bad side of and tends to rub shoulders with all sorts of folks… including ones he really shouldn’t. He himself only ever does petty crimes for cash or assorted odd jobs but finds himself getting mixed into other peoples more serious business at times. If youre nice to him, he always repays the favor, which sometimes means he is put into risky situations since the people he “befriends” often do not care about him and see him as a sucker. Hes not stupid but he is woefully under socialized and thinks thats normal and honestly shuts down when people don’t want something from him. He choreographs every response and reaction he has to people in his head before he does them and functions on an autopilot of hypotheticals that when question causes him to retreat emotionally, so he struggles to form genuine connections to others. He really does mean well and does have limits but also has a very odd world view and doesn’t understand other peoples thought processes well. He is the type of person to not understand why breaking into someones house is bad if he didn’t take or break anything. Hes overall harmless though and is near impossible to anger.

Delany- His oldest sister who raised him, he has a good relationship with her and still lives with her and his other sister but he knows he worries her and tries to show hes doing well whenever he can, in his own ways. He tries to make light of most situations and looks on the bright side while she has a more grounded view. They get along though even if theres a bit of tension at times. Haben doesn’t come home as much as he used to because he finds it harder to handle her concern these days but he still makes family time regularly.

Owen- His second older sister who is a lot more neutral on Habens safety, seeing him as an adult and capable of handling himself. She isn’t very close with him since she tends to keep to herself with her own hobbies and college work but they have no hostility between them. Haben appreciates Owen for easing Delany’s worries about him and gets her knickknacks from time to time as a thanks. They see eachother sparingly since Haben isn’t home often and when he is shes busy.

Nic- Nice girl who yanked him out of a dumpster after he got his ass beat Badly. She let him stay with her and her boyfriend while he got less fucked up looking because he could not go home to Delany looking like that and Nic did not trust that he had anywhere else to go. He feels as though he owes her a life debt and tries to find stuff to return the favor but she really just is glad hes okay and didn’t like. Die on her couch. The two became friends and he now regularly hangs out with her and her boyfriend, he struggled at first but has been getting used to having normal friends who aren’t using him for one thing or another and sometimes do stuff for him too without expectation of something in return.

Nate- The boyfriend of Nic who was WAYYY more hesitant about letting some strange guy into their apartment but seeing how much it mattered to Nic he caved. He kept an incredibly close eye on Haben and did not trust him whatsoever and thought he was creepy and weird. He still thinks hes incredibly fucking odd but he finds it somewhat endearing now even if he has to like. Reel him back to reality sometimes so they don’t get kicked out of places. Nate is the most level headed and normal person Haben knows.

Pawley- Habens newest pal! He thought they were trying to kill him when they first met but was pleasantly surprised that they just wanted to know what he was doing running around for (and inadvertently helped him out). He wanted to return the favor but Pawley just wanted to know more about him which was a little nerve wracking but since having met Nic and Nate hes gotten much better at not running away from people who wanna get to know him. The two click extremely well and have similar hobbies and strange behaviors, Pawley lowkey brings out the unhinged part of Habens personality that makes him throw chairs off of roofs for fun. The two never get into actual danger since Pawley is so insistent on doing no harm and Haben means well to begin with. The two get… Looks from others whenever theyre in public together because quite frankly theyre always all over eachother like a high school couple before the final bell rings, but neither understands the significance of that and just likes to be physical and has no concept of personal space. Yes they work out together Yes its awkward for everyone around them at first. He knows theyre not human and doesnt care.

Billie- He didn’t like her at first whatsoever. Thought that she was just tolerating Pawley and they weren’t getting the hints that she didn’t like them and he was worried about his new friend. They quickly cleared up the misunderstanding when he and Billie realized they had a mutual suspicion for the same reason and are now on good terms. He isn’t close with her but is friendly to her and doesn’t judge or pry into her personal life which she appreciates.