


6 years, 7 months ago


"Don’t know if I have ever loved,"

【 Name 】Sindri Hayward-Saira
Sindri Thatch
【 Age 】20
【 Gender 】Male
【 Orientation 】Asexual gay
【 Race 】Elvian Halfborn
【 Alignment 】Lawful Good
【 Birthday 】August 29
【 Theme 】Silversun Pickups - The Pit
TryHardNinja - Pieces

Sindri is a halfborn, about 20 years of age. His past is a mystery, perhaps moreso to himself than to others. Shortly before meeting the Task Force for the first time, he found himself in a field a short ways from Silverport with no recollection of how he'd gotten there, nor anything more substantial than his name to identify himself. He still doesn't know what happened to place him there, why he can't remember it, or where he came from, but with the help of the family he's found in the Task Force he is less shaken by it.

"but I feel it."

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  • Sindri has three animal companions: Mallow the chillawing, Peep the humming bumble, and Alba the jader dog.
  • Only 4'10"/148cm tall, more than a full foot shorter than his boyfriend.
  • Surprisingly invested in Prank Week.
  • Meticulous note-taker, keeps an in-depth bullet journal and diary.
  • Takes care of a flowering bonsai, which Peep the humming bumble sleeps in.








HTML by lowkeywicked

Parent-swapped AU roleplay prep:

Nerium is going to be surveying Leviathan's Reach to connect it with Eldemore's other south-eastern(?) isles. Sindri is, at this point, about 18. With his help, Nerium can focus more on her work while Sindri can manage living arrangements. They travel frequently, and generally get along pretty well. Nerium is a Fun Mom, although not always the most aware of needs that are more intensive than her own. Sindri is more confident in this universe. 

Sindri goes for a "proper" vibe when meeting new people, like a diplomat conveying power and discipline. He's sharp, and willing to use that to impress once he's gotten a feel for the situation. He has a candy humming bumble named Peep.

They'd discussed supplies. It would be possible to buy what they needed there, so they only needed essentials. The islands of the Reach were fairly large, from what they'd heard; They'd bring a tent for stretches that would be too long to make it back to the Task Force, the developed settlement who based themselves in the heart of the islands. 

Prepared as they were, they would still have to wing things to some degree. A place that had only basicly been mapped yet had limited information available.

"Are we ready yet?"

Sindri asked his mother, Nerium. It was likely that she knew only marginally more than he did, but his impatience pushed the question anyway. It had been almost a week on the boat, a boat meant for shipping imports rather than passengers. It was the most reliable choice, but not the most interesting.

"Chill your tits, Sin," she answered. Her attention was on the sounds of the ship. Footsteps followed a pattern of lifting, slow and heavy and paired. The boat rocked rhythmically, only slightly affecting the timing of the noise of the work.

Dippy's focus mirrored Nerium's, ears flicking and eyes ghost-tracing the areas that produced the most noise. Her tails flicked slowly.

Sindri sighed. "I'm plenty chill," he protested weakly. His mom's phrasing was familiar, so he could infer that things were going about as they could be expected to. Unfortunately, it sounded like that meant they could be expected to wait.


An eternity could have passed before they'd been able to disembark, and Sindri wouldn't have known the difference. At least he could finally see what this "Leviathan's Reach" actually looked like. 

The shoreline held beaches and craggy cliffs in about equal amounts. Insects hummed and buzzed past them. Sleipnir marched through the trees in a wavering stream of motion, carrying goods. Sindri, Nerium, and Dippy followed their path. 


As it turned out, the line of trees extended only far enough to interfere with the first sight of the port town. It was a mild shock to go so suddenly into the thick of the town. 

Nerium looked surprised, too. She kept her expression neutral, but the way her eyes scanned was as though someone had moved something out of place.

"guess that makes sense, east-ish port," she muttered, quietly enough that Sindri had to piece some of the words together from context.

"Storm barrier?" Sindri guessed. He sidestepped a couple carrying some boxes, working through the thin but busy crowd with ease.

"Yeah, probably," she said. She squinted in the afternoon light, glancing through the building faces. She pointed toward the right, where Sindri could see some benches when he looked.

"Let's make our way there to get sorted out," she suggested. "You can keep Dippy occupied and I can take a quick peek around."

Sindri laughed under his breath. Demoted to puppy-sitting already. "Alright. If you see any, could you get me some coffee?"

"Only if I manage not to chug it all before I get back, kiddo," she winked. They made their way to the seating, Sindri sliding his backpack off and Nerium leaving hers with him. It was partially shaded, a blessing in the light that was already warming them uncomfortably.

"There should be a jackalope shed in one of the bags, if you wanna give it to your sister," Nerium said, referring to Dippy as Sindri's "sister". She may as well have been. Keeping a wolf happy took almost as much effort as a toddler. Sindri nodded. He put his hand on the wolf's neck as his mom walked off, making sure she didn't run after.

"How insensitive," he joked to the dire. "Chewing on an antler? I can't believe you, Dippy." He reached into the pouch where the jackalope antler was stashed, tossing it gently to Dippy, who gladly snatched it up. For good measure, her long tails smacked him in the face as they wagged in delight.

He puffed, shoving her tails away with his forearm. "Wow, A+, Dipshit. Keeping the name up." He rubbed her neck again, playfully messing up her fur while she ignored him in favor of the bone. 

Between affectionately scratching the spotty wolf, he let his gaze scan the first glimpse of the town. The people included far more than just humans. He noted with surprise that, in addition to plenty of trueborn inhabitants, more than a few halfborns went about their business.

He was used to challenging the wary and judgemental stares he would get for his blue-and-brown eyes, or his stunted antlers, or pointed ears. His mom had been ready to jump in as needed to keep attention away from him, or even to directly speak up when Sindri had become comfortable with it. He was familiar with fighting the distrust that came with many recognizing his elvian blood.

It seemed that no such wariness plagued the halfborns here. A boy with a tail and rounded, human ears strode one way. A young girl with one dark sclera and one light walked beside a tall, dark avian.

Sindri wasn't sure he trusted.... something. It seemed too good to be true, so he'd keep his guard up.

...Nonetheless, it was a pleasant difference from the majority of places.