


2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info








half human half unknown (some mix of insectoid DNA)


Charlie (Charlotte)

she/her | 5'8 | 25



- Charlie isn't really a fighter like her friends but makes weapons and inventions and helps do research for herself and her teammates. But still sort of ends up fighting even if shes not very good at it.

- she was an orphan found abandoned in an abandoned shipyard when she was younger and developed a bad case of submechanophobia and megalophobia. she was never adopted and ended up with a foster family and desiced to persue and engineering career dispite having dreams of singing when she was younger.

- she's part human and part something insectoid like some of the other people in her world and her traits will come out in weird tendencies. people will catch her eating wierd plants mostly flowers or just straight up chlorophyll.

- back in uni people stole credit for her work and turned one of her projects into a disaster. she got blacklisted from the academy and industry she was working for after having the blame and for being framed for stealing others work.

- charlie now sings at a bar as a side job and actually loves to write songs but doesn't really believe in herself and her talent. until joanna started to encourage her.

- after a while of working together she and joanna started dating and charlie really got a chance to explore who she was.

- one day she was captured after uncovering a big conspiracy and was experimented on bringing out her insect DNA and was mixed with other DNA to bring out any latent traits she had turning her in something of a chimera. it first came with gold amber-like poision that ran through her, a scorpion tail, multiple eyes like a spider and bug mandables on the insdie of her mouth.

- she escaped but was bitter and thought she was a burden on her friends and only though she could only cause trouble. charlie manged to get control of her new bug traits and even did her best to make things right for herself.

- in the end, she manages to work through her self destructiveness and settle down with joanna


code by snail-legs