


2 years, 6 months ago








a traveling priest


Introvert Extrovert
Playful Serious
Impulsive Cautious
Critical Open-Minded
Insecure Confident
Openly Affectionate Reserved


Riven is a man who was raised as a priest in a so called ‘religious organization’ (it’s a cult really) where everyone is part of the Enlightenment. He’s a Shepherd which means he’s a higher ranking individual who people can confess their sins to and who people can go to for counseling. He travels from place to place hoping to be a guide to others and show them the light.

He was ‘allegedly’ abandoned by his parents and raised by his grandfather who is the Guide, the highest rank in the organization. Riven was a result of two people from different dimensions having a child and came out mixed. For most dimensions it isn’t socially taboo but in his dimension where a cult is the primary religion, its less common and a little frowned upon. Riven feels like he has to bear the sins of his parents from their ‘alleged’ frivolous lifestyle that produced him in the first place, and it evolved into a self hatred of himself and how he looks. Their cult is known for inflicting harm on oneself as a form of penace but Riven goes so far that even the others side eye him. He beats himself both as a form of penace but also in a way of genuine self arm and self hatred. (also bc their skin is hard they have to uh, use more intense methods of self flogging so its not great this man really need some help)

He has a strange magnetism for violence despite his appearance as a meditative priest, willing to jump headlong into a bar fight from insult or some other reason. Does he even need a reason sometimes? At times he will fight just to blow off steam. Because of his fighting habits he has cracked hands and feet and a notable one across his face. Riven likes to think of himself as wise and peaceful, but his salt and willingness to show his fists betray him. He has the illusion of patience but it’s easy to get under his skin and irritate him, though he has a threshold before he blows up.

He’s currently on a secret journey to search for answers about his beliefs, feeling like there’s so many questions unanswered. He runs into the gang by accidentally being accused of a crime he didn’t commit and meeting everyone else in prison. It’s a great start.


He resents his parents because he was told they abandoned him at birth but he also questions why they didn’t want him.

Also is a big nerd who likes to learn things. He reads mostly mostly historical or ones filled with a lot of info.

He likes to drink vodka and refuses to answer anyone who asks what his excuse is to drink since he’s a Shepherd.

He’s also secretly a jock and likes to work out and do physical activities. He works mostly helping out in farms and assists with the heavy work.

He and Kilit argue with each other about theology often because he’s CLEARLY RIGHT.

Dimensional Powers

His dimension involves people who have porcelain-like skin, only it’s very tough and hardy. If damaged enough it WILL crack and is hard to repair, there is no perfect healing and cracks will always remain, like a scar. He is mixed, with another dimension race, which means he has legs and a tail like that, he considers it an imperfection and would rather hide it.









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