


2 years, 6 months ago











Introvert Extrovert
Playful Serious
Impulsive Cautious
Critical Open-Minded
Insecure Confident
Openly Affectionate Reserved


Growing up in the slums of the Underground, Wings did what she could to survive. Born in a dimension where all the worst criminals were left to rot and formed their own society. A dog eat dog world, she survived on her own, without help for a long time.

She works as a mechanic on a corner street in the less violent side of the city. (which isn’t saying much). She likes to go dumpster diving and fix old things that were thrown down here as a dump from other dimensions. She’s kind of a big nerd and can work on projects for hours on end with no stopping.

She and Sly had an unlikely meeting when she came home one night and found a strange man passed out in her old apartment while she was in the middle of moving locations. He didn’t know the place wasn’t completely abandoned he crashed for the night while bleeding out from injury. After a few panic filled confrontations, and her helping him NOT die, the two started to talk and bond. She let him stick around for a while because he was so out of his league compared to everyone else in the Underworld and realized he really wasn’t a criminal, just stupid. His determination to find his friends and leave this dimension was enough to give her hope too, and together they planned to escape this prison of a dimension.

Her and Sly have bonded (a lot 😳) and have grown fond of each other, they help each other through their past trauma and cope. (His paranoia pops up a lot and she’s there to help. And when her PTSD gets bad he is there to comfort her through it.) Sly likes to hang around with Wings while she tinkers and builds things from scrap, and helps her with some projects. She doesn’t always understand when he starts info dumping about genetics and science but he’s got the spirit and tries to understand for his sake.


She’s a little bit blunt, rough around the edges, and doesn’t mind killing a few people for survival, but she heavily prefers not to go to those extremes if she doesn’t have to.

There's so much junk in her home. A hoarder who keeps so much stuff from the junkyard, some that she doesn’t even need for tinkering, a ‘just in case item.’ Which she has a ton of. Everything is chaotically organized, with everything in its place but that means scattered across the room ‘organized.’ Sly thinks she needs help.

Her friend Ivan works as a type of blacksmith and is a type of father figure to her. She learned a lot about repairing and fixing things from the junkyard from him.

She had a daughter once but the Underworld is a cruel place to raise children, an accident caused her death and Wings fell into a deep depression. If she didn’t meet her friend Ivan she would be so much worse off.

She's gotten a smoker's voice due to her bad habit but she's been trying to quit once shes traveling with Sly.

She worked as a prostitute out of desperation to survive and earn money. She hates it but she feels she has no choice. At one point she has the chance to earn money with her talent for tinkering which makes her feel less desperate at times, but it is still hard and she cant give up prostitution completely.

Dimensional Powers

She’s mixed so she has wing ears inherited from her dad (who she has never met) but her mom’s genetic ability to shift ‘invisible’. She absolutely uses this to her advantage and it gets her out of many binds.









Theme by aalto