


2 years, 6 months ago





teenager mentally and 'physically' but 8 years time wise



little emo angry boy


Introvert Extrovert
Playful Serious
Impulsive Cautious
Critical Open-Minded
Insecure Confident
Openly Affectionate Reserved


Ezra was the product of Eve’s love project to create the perfect being.

Eve, the head of Paradisum, had a dream, a dream to create something beautiful. A being so beautiful and perfect that any a human would pale in comparison. The discovery of dimensions changed the world of science, and opened up more avenues of research on the transformation of human biology and unnatural abilities that dimensions inflected on people. Eve was striving to go beyond even dimensional affects, pushing the limits of science and create something immortal and flawless. It was a passion project of hers, an obsession even, and after many, many failures of genetic combinations, she created two children.

Ezra was one of many fetuses being grown and modified for the project and the only one that survived. He displayed incredible destructive power in his latter stage of baby development, Eve took notice. He was taken and nurtured by Eve and studied to observe his growth. He was her first success and showered with glorious worship for being a scientific marvel, to the point she called him her own creation of a god of destruction.

Yuuko was the second successful being created a year later. Eve considers Ezra and his destructive powers to be the yin yang to Yuuko's life and creation powers. Even though they were 'beautiful' to some, they were also incredibly uncanny valley because of it, with their doll like bodies and large eyes.

Ezra grew up thinking he was the only one until he was introduced to Yuuko in his physical teens (around 8 years since their growth is accelerated). He began to think that Eve had replaced him once he heard about how much more time Eve had spent with Yuuko and how she favored her. A bitterness sprung up in him over that but Sly his guardian was there to keep it from getting worse. He’s more hot headed and grows to become defiant as time passes. Originally he believed everything Eve told him about his life and him being a deity-like figure, but now he was beginning to question it all.

When he, Yuuko, and Sly attempt to escape Paradisum they’re separated from Sly and almost taken back in by Eve. They make a second escape attempt and run off into another dimension. From there they are on an ongoing search for their friend Sly, and along the way meet Ghost, and Yasmine and Dodger and all travel together as one ragtag group.


He hecking LOVES chocolate, Sly introduced the gang to chocolate and now he takes every opportunity to snag a bar of it.

Despite his temper and general emo-ness, he has the beginnings of what could be a heart of gold if it keeps being polished with a loooot of elbow grease.

Ezra is more in tune with others because he understands empathy, having experienced guilt at a young age from killing multiple people due to him lacking control over his powers. He understands suffering, he’s made other animals accidentally suffer and die by his hand. He’s paranoid about letting his powers get out of hand and kill someone again.

He thinks skateboarding is a superior recreational skill but he also thinks that falling down the stairs is part of the tricks.

Dimensional Powers

He was artificially created so he doesn’t have a home dimensional power. His powers allow him to rapidly make things erode away and disintegrate, so killing people is always a risk. He also is essentially ‘immortal.’ Though technically he could be killed it’s extremely hard, having fast regenerative abilities that heal seconds to minutes. It doesn’t stop him from feeling pain though.









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