


2 years, 6 months ago





teenager mentally and 'physically' but 8 years time wise



healer of convenience


Introvert Extrovert
Playful Serious
Impulsive Cautious
Critical Open-Minded
Insecure Confident
Openly Affectionate Reserved


Yuuko was the product of Eve’s love project to create the perfect being.

Eve, the head of Paradisum, had a dream, a dream to create something beautiful. A being so beautiful and perfect that any a human would pale in comparison. The discovery of dimensions changed the world of science, and opened up more avenues of research on the transformation of human biology and unnatural abilities that dimensions inflected on people. Eve was striving to go beyond even dimensional affects, pushing the limits of science and create something immortal and flawless. It was a passion project of hers, an obsession even, and after many, many failures of genetic combinations, she created two children.

After years of experiments with embryos Yuuko was created by gene fusion, some of which was Eve’s. Though technically not Yuuko’s full blooded mother, Eve began to groom her and call her daughter, and Yuuko would call her mother. Eve loved Yuuko because she had some of her own DNA though it was very twisted sort of love. Yuuko was truly perfect, or at least, had the potential to be.

Eve considers Yuuko and her healing powers to be the yin yang to Ezra's destruction powers. Even though they were 'beautiful' to some, they were also incredibly uncanny valley because of it, with their doll like bodies and large eyes.

Yuuko ended up growing up via the guidance of her ‘mother’ being taught by her about world views among other things. She had incredible abilities to rapidly heal people, make dying nature bloom again, and she herself could not physically die or bleed. (at least as far as they knew). She was filled with a desire to please Eve and everyone around her due to being practically worshipped for her abilities.

Sly came into her life when she was in her physical teens (around 8 years old since sped up aging), and he took her under his wing. She also found out around that time that Ezra existed, she didn’t know that Eve was successful in making a being before her and there was some tension at the beginning between her and Ezra. Sly ensured that the two got along soon enough though, and he took them on many great and exciting adventures—at least when they were allowed to leave the facility. After the event of Sly trying to break them free and the three of them separating, all Yuuko wants is to be able to find her friend again, and be someone perfect, like everyone else saw her to be.


Yuuko is full of anxiety, she just wants to please everyone to an UNHEALTHY degree. She cannot come to terms with the fact she was made to be perfect and yet fail the people she loves so often.

Also she does not have Empathy at all. From Eve raising her and her lack of experiencing pain, it’s hard for her to connect and understand other’s suffering unlike Ezra who does. It’s a struggle that she has to overcome and learn how to care about people outside of trying to please people for sake of self image. .

Blood and gore do not bother her, she’s very dead inside to it due to her inability to connect with suffering. It makes her come across really disconnected when she heals people. She still cared when Sly got hurt but it’s a subconscious feeling she hasn’t identified yet.

She really likes corny B horror movies things like Godzilla and the Giant Ants from Space etc. Sly used to take her to them all the time, she misses those days…

She both likes super girly things and also edgy pop culture clothes. So her tastes are a horrible conglomeration of this world’s version of Hello Kitty and Hot Topic. She loves shopping… Yasmine is so good for her because they both go shopping together often!

She also likes to draw! But her art style is more like baby’s first anime attempt.

Dimensional Powers

She was artificially created so she doesn’t have a home dimensional power. Her powers allow her to rapidly revive something that is dying, regenerating and reversing damage at frightening speeds. (she can’t bring back anything from the dead though and this bothers her SO much.) She’s also essentially ‘immortal’ and heals almost instantly when she is injured. If her healing powers get too strong or out of control she can start accidentally mutating a thing or person by causing them to generate extra tissue that doesn’t need to be there, awful stuff! Thankfully she doesn’t freak out enough to cause such a powerful surge to occur.









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