Ziz Ryder



2 years, 5 months ago


gen 3 / team sky admin / escaped horrific experiments, missing an arm and half of his chest. has cool automail :) / there are no promises, not really / revolving opioids / NO NO da da da


Name Ziz Ryder
Age 32
GenderNB male
Orientation Gay
Occupation Team Sky Admin
Race White, Human
Origin Verdanturf
Residence Fortree
Height 6'1"
Status ALIVE


Ziz is certainly known within Team Sky as someone whose bad side you don't want to get on. He's patient and kind to grunts, if a bit quiet, but his already-icy exterior freezes over cold enough to give a motherfucker frostbite if he's identified them as a continual problem. Many of his teammates see him as a bit too intense... Which he kind of is. Ah, well... The Boss has lots of faith that he'll calm down eventually somehow. But who pissed this guy off so bad?



Picture this with me for a second.

You're running through the woods in the dead of night and the pouring rain with all of your strength, because you know if you slow down for even a second, you probably won't see the sun tomorrow. You're clutching at your shoulder - what's left of it, at least - and bitter, angry tears run down your face. You curse yourself for being so stupid. You're so stupid. Holy shit, you are so stupid. You never should have run away, and you never should have come to that facility in the first place. Idiot Idiot. Idiot.

You think you hear a branch snap somewhere behind you, and you find a way to run even faster. Your weirdly intact heart is burning in your chest, your lungs are screaming. You are so stupid.


Nowadays, things have slowed down by a lot. It's not like you could go to any sort of authority about the facility - no one would believe you or have a clue of how to find it anyway. But you lead a peaceful life, in which you can confidently say that you are where you're meant to be. At least for now.

You've had a scare or two, thinking maybe those old researchers have found you, but nothing's come of that and it's been ages since the last close call of that sort. You hesitate to use this word, but you're "safe" and things seem to be "okay".


  • While working for this mysterious scientific compound of his memories, Ziz underwent a horrific experiment in which he was physically conjoined with the head researcher.
  • During the time that he and said researcher were bonded, he experienced a haze that he only knows to compare to "the feeling of being lobotomized".
  • Miraculously, his vital organs were not tampered with in the conjoining process, but when he decided it was time to separate himself, no matter the cost, whether he lived or died, he lost his left arm and a huge chunk out of the surrounding shoulder/chest area.
  • But science truly is miraculous!
  • He has since had those parts of his body cauterized and replaced with prosthetic metal.


NAME relationship

Sed aliquet turpis nulla, at venenatis lectus volutpat quis. Phasellus non purus vel dui eleifend commodo nec a erat. Sed dolor tellus, fringilla a velit ac, interdum dictum libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce et tristique odio.

NAME relationship

Sed aliquet turpis nulla, at venenatis lectus volutpat quis. Phasellus non purus vel dui eleifend commodo nec a erat. Sed dolor tellus, fringilla a velit ac, interdum dictum libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce et tristique odio.

NAME relationship

Sed aliquet turpis nulla, at venenatis lectus volutpat quis. Phasellus non purus vel dui eleifend commodo nec a erat. Sed dolor tellus, fringilla a velit ac, interdum dictum libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce et tristique odio.

NAME relationship

Sed aliquet turpis nulla, at venenatis lectus volutpat quis. Phasellus non purus vel dui eleifend commodo nec a erat. Sed dolor tellus, fringilla a velit ac, interdum dictum libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce et tristique odio.