ephyra dulcus



6 years, 7 months ago


Ephyra Dulcus

Character details
Her Highness
9.2 sweeps, 20 years
8'2" (250cm) w/ horns
Fuchsia (hex #98054a)
Session [Δ-aquarii]
⊁= // Surrounds text. \\ =⊀
Strife specibus
Sylladex modus
Thief of Heart

"⊁= // My auspistice made me delete the vagues i posted about you. All 227 of them. \\ =⊀"
― ephyra

Ephyra Dulcus, also known by her Trollian handle maskedIncarcerator, is the current Empress of Alternia - she is Galnea's dancestor, and is known as The Dauntess Martinet. Her associated sign is Lex-Syrenata,  and her horns are long and sharp, resembling the shape of the prongs of a trident.


The name "Ephyra" comes from the Latin word "aetherius", meaning from the heavens, or in the skies. The surname "Dulcus" is derived from the Latin word "dulce", meaning "sweet" - this originates from Wilfred Owen's poem, Dulce et Decorum est (meaning "sweet and honourable" referring to the poem's theme of war and dying for ones' country as a form of propaganda to serve the country). 

Her Trollian handle, maskedIncarcerator, reflects on her ⊁= // ruthless, unmerciful nature - as one would expect from none other than the Empress herself. \\ =⊀

Personality and Traits

she is such a self centered power hungry dictating condescending piece of shit
she is genuinely just. an awful person
everything she does is to the benefit of herself and is an act of self indulgence
she probs keeps the heads of enemies as trophies
also horns of powerful trolls she's killed definitely
i can deadass imagine her just looking him dead in the eye and saying something like "wow, im everything you wish you could be!!" doesn't give a shit that he could probs kill her in a flat second
i think ephyra's complex feeds into galnea's development
in order for galnea to beat her and claim alternia's throne she has to be stronger than ephyra and shes a fucking BEAST

and shes bloodthirsty)
if u try to insult or threaten her she twists it into a compliment
also shes definitely stabbed someone in the knee after they refused to kneel before her
she only ever looks into someones eyes so she can see her reflection

ephyra: oh i just keep my enemies at tridents length

evarii: you have literally just impaled me with your trident

ephyra: yes exactly

(it probably tips galnea over the edge into spiralling downwards the same way that ephyra did with her self obsession. she becomes the fearsome empress of alternia, but shes extremely unstable from the trauma. like she has a sort of switch which can flip at any time)



--> write this intro lol







Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.


  • She is a Derse dreamer.
  • Her planet is LOGAJ, Land of Graves and Jewels.
  • Her Godtier wings resemble a form of the Birdwing butterfly, Ornithoptera Priamus Miokensis.
  • She enjoys flaunting her wealth, status and looks.
  • She has anger issues, which feed into her god-complex amongst other unruly behaviours.
  • notes:  i had this idea that there are generations of fuchsias
    and its like being in line for the throne but instead of one person its a whole generation
    say theres like 4 or 5 in each generation
    the first generation is first up to duel for the throne,  its 90% likely that the current empress will wipe all of them out
    hence how she became empress in the first place
    fuchsias who refuse to fight for the throne could be elected into a different part of the monarchy like intergalactic shit
    that is if the current empress doesnt cull them for being a weakling
  • She is this vine.
  • Her EZ sign would be PIO.