ephyra dulcus (the dauntess martinet)



she is such a self centered power hungry dictating condescending piece of shit
she is genuinely just. an awful person
everything she does is to the benefit of herself and is an act of self indulgence
she probs keeps the heads of enemies as trophies
also horns of powerful trolls she's killed definitely
i can deadass imagine her just looking him dead in the eye and saying something like "wow, im everything you wish you could be!!" doesn't give a shit that he could probs kill her in a flat second
i think ephyra's complex feeds into galnea's development
in order for galnea to beat her and claim alternia's throne she has to be stronger than ephyra and shes a fucking BEAST

and shes bloodthirsty)
if u try to insult or threaten her she twists it into a compliment 
also shes definitely stabbed someone in the knee after they refused to kneel before her 
she only ever looks into someones eyes so she can see her reflection

ephyra: oh i just keep my enemies at tridents length

evarii: you have literally just impaled me with your trident

ephyra: yes exactly

(it probably tips galnea over the edge into spiralling downwards the same way that ephyra did with her self obsession. she becomes the fearsome empress of alternia, but shes extremely unstable from the trauma. like she has a sort of switch which can flip at any time)


bonus: ephyra ebooks

I Don't Know What A Tentabulge Is And I'm Not About To Find Out

have you ever heard the sound of a stiletto heel puncturing a lung?


you know that blood streaming down your face is not gonna be too great for your pores honey

I Can't Maul You Today. I Need To Exfoliate

this dress is worth more than literally your entire family line you fucking rat. Anyway can you zip the back up please

i literally stabbed you in the leg. stop playing farmville

Those Stitches Match Your Eyes

I'm Always A Slut For Merciless Genocide

(stabs u but in a cute way)

step on the cape i'll step on your windpipe

How Many Piercings Can I Get On One Face

this hive is gucci

i just did my makeup i don't want to ruin it by looking directly at you

(She Scronches Her Face In Disgust)

normally i would gouge your eyes out but these are acrylics and i don't want them ruined

now before you attempt to maul me, i need to send my snapstreaks

i kill other fuschias because their blood is the same colour as my cape. i don't need to worry about stains

my eyeliner is as sharp as the prongs i intend to behead you with

NOt ThE HAir

your face looks like it was rendered with an android camera

if you comment on my septum piercing again i will take it out and stab you in the eye with it

i hope you get blocked by tony the meowbeast on twitter


Seen ✓

I Hate That Message So Much I Got A Time Player To Travel Back And Knock Me Clean Out Just To Prevent Me From Reading It

i hate that so much that i made 247 new accounts just to block you with

I Would Block You In Real Life But That Is Murder

please contact me when you godtier. i want to kill you a fair few times

you are the reason they invented the block button

Please Just Stop Breathing

the amount of shits i give is equivalent to the number of bobby pins in my hair. a lot but you cant see them

i would care but my foundation is still setting so check back in 5 minutes and ill be ready to hurt your feelings

these heels are higher than your ego

i don't know who let you be a highblood but they were an idiot

You Should Have Been Mopped Up

Do You Smell That. Its My New Air Freshener Called Shut Your Fucking Ass

no offense but if we went on a culling spree i would make a lot of purplebloods run into my knife

i have had false eyelashes less fragile than your masculinity

if i had a penny for every time i gave a shit i would probably have a few pennies but i would not let you look at the pennies

Please Perish

oh me? im just waiting for you to despawn

i understand that you despise me with every fibre of your being but can you like my recents on instagram

my auspistice made me delete the vagues i posted about you. all 227 of them.

that wasn’t very bourgeoise of you

(kills you in alternian)

Ah. So You’re Being A Cunt.

I have things to do and people to stab

Something about the vigilant

If i had a dollar for every time you said something stupid i would buy a big sword and then smack you with it

The mother grub should have squished you into a semi viscous paste and then used your blood to draw something inappropriate

Purple is just bootleg rust