


2 years, 5 months ago


The Magician  I 

A young boy in appearance, likewise to that of Uriel, who has a knack for the magic arts and whimsical machinery. He is the tarot card's weapon, knick-knack and Goober maker. Anything you want, name it and he'll make it. Although he seems friendly on the outside, he can be quite manipulative and cunning, often experimenting with the dark arts in his free time. Accompanying him always are floating mechanical arms which acts as extensions of him, since he is quite scrawny in appearance they act as his protection and brawl capability. He procrastinates a fair amount when given too many projects and only gets his work done when he's excited or inspired.

An infinity symbol is constantly floating above his head, from the right angle looking into it you can see the endless void of nothingness. This void is where Dandelion retrieves his materials and parts from, he simply reaches up into the infinite void and pulls out whatever he needs on command. He warns others not to put their hand in because there are carnivorous space fish swimming around in there, and that they leave only his hands alone.

Dandelion blushes very heavily and noticably when his teasings get turned on him