


2 years, 5 months ago


Ringrin's bodyguard. He used to be just a tad bit smaller, in height and bulk... Well, that's why he sticks to Rin. He also quite enjoys their pitstops at the Yasiara, of course.
overall he seems grateful for Rin's employment.

he doesn't speak much. his voice is gruff/hoarse when he does utter words.
he's not very smart, and relies on Ringrin to tell him what needs done, at times. If it's a matter of protecting Rin, though, he's got that down pat.

due to being a goblin and tiefling's child, he is used to being completely outcast from society. he was often berated as he grew up that he was a 'freak of nature', and as such, he thinks little of himself, and expects strangers to insult him. then again, he has grown so strong against it that he rarely pays mind to crass treatment (he often allows people to be cruel and rude to him, expecting them to get bored and leave him alone). 

anyone who is kind to him is often suspect; he is used to betrayal due to his heritage.
Ringrin is about the only other person who has treated him 'normal', and even then, Rin does tease him a bit, though it is clearly for show to remind strangers not to cross him.

full name is 'Solitude'.