Sebastian Cates



2 years, 6 months ago


  • Sebastian Jacob Cates

  • Age 25
  • Male
  • race Vampire
  • role Bartender/Theatre Major
  • theme

Fun-loving • Flirtatious • Guarded


Born May 13, 1995 Sebastian Jacob Cates was always a bit of a wild child. As a little boy, he enjoyed causing havoc, which included torturing his big brother by making him play hide and seek and then pulling pranks in the process in order to throw John off. More than a few of those pranks wound up injuring one or both boys, causing their parents to keep both of them from doing such things again. They both got in trouble, putting a stop to the pranks before an all out war could begin between the two. As the young man grew, his rambunctiousness shifted from small pranks to flirtatious behavior.

Throughout high school, the young man solidified his reputation as a veritable playboy. By the time he had graduated, he had more than his fair share of girlfriends, though none that had lasted more than a few weeks, the longest being a month. To say that he was well versed was an understatement, but he still continued to go through women even if he never truly got attached to any of them. He'd decided to stay in Louisiana, going to school for bartending before eventually getting a job at a local bar. It happened to be his favorite bar as well, right in the middle of the french quarter. He found himself wanting more out of life, however so he decided to go back to school, all the while keeping his job as a bartender.

Currently, the younger Cates brother is still living in their old family home, taking care of the place as well as bartending. However, he is also going to school for Theatre. Hoping at some point to break into broadway with enough training. It was during one of his classes that he met a girl, one that would change his life forever. They dated for a few months, longer than the man had ever kept a woman before but he was intrigued. It was during all this that the woman killed him, or... She thought he had. As it turns out, all she had done was turned him, leaving him to deal with his newfound vampirism on his own. It was because of this that he missed his brother's wedding.

"Would more copulation convince you I should stay at the school?"

height 5'10

build Athletic

pronouns He/Him

s.o. Straight

dob May 13, 1995

sign Taurus

origin Creole/American

occupation Bartender/Theatre student

mbti ISFJ

demeanor Funloving, hyper and flirtatious

tarot The Hierophant

element Earth

obtained content

value $$$


  • Bars
  • Women
  • Entertaining people
  • Flirting


  • Chovinists
  • Lack of respect for the arts
  • Lack of Knowledge
  • Other creatures


Born and raised in the french quarter, Sebastian Jacob Cates enjoyed life to it's fullest. As a child, he was known as a prankster and in high school, he was more prone to being a heartbreaker, a title which he carried over into adulthood. It was a title that he enjoyed and wore with pride. The young man enjoyed life to it's fullest, ensuring that every moment was spent having as much fun as he possibly could. His brother went off to the military and the man couldn't help but feel as if the man was wasting his life and his time but he was still proud of him.


The man lost touch with his older brother for a while, between John's career with the Marines and his own with bartending. He got bored after a while though and decided to go back to school for Theatre. He'd always had a flair for the dramatic, enjoyed the fun loving lifestyle that he had adopted in his teens. He had met the woman that he considered, for the first time ever, the love of his life while performing with his class. The young woman was beautiful and intriguing, as well as a complete mystery to him. Little did he know that the woman would be the reason his life changed forever.

Nouvo kòmansman

After a few months of dating, the man had actually considered proposing to the woman when their relationship took an unexpected turn. The woman in question, feigning her want to explore more promiscuous activities tied him to the bed and revealed herself to be a vampire. She proceeded to drain him dry, or so she thought. The problem was, the man had bitten her playfully a few minutes before and drawn blood. Though it wasn't a lot, enough was in his system to turn the man, even as she left him for dead. When he woke back up, the man was ravenous. At first he'd made the mistake of killing those that he fed off of but he learned rather quickly that it wasn't the best way to go. Instead, he took what he needed to survive, leaving the women satisfied and not quite knowing what had happened. It was because of this that the man missed his brothers wedding, though not knowing what was going on with him, he didn't dare show his face to the man any longer.


Johnathan Timothy Cates

[ Elder Brother ] The two men got along rather well, though they had their fights all the time they still loved each other. They lost contact for a while when John went off the deepend, only to reconnect afterwards. However, they once again lost contact when Sebastian was turned due to Sebastian worrying that John wouldn't accept him.



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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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