Larados Xeres



2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Larados Xeres


Lord of Lahara






Red Lykorian

Fur color


Eye color



2.01 m


Name: Larados Xeres 

Title: Lord of Lahara

Age: 28 (for now)

“Occupation”: Adventurer – he likes to travel across the land in search of  adventures. In his opinion real work of any kind doesn't fit for a Lord.

Species: Lykorian (Wolf-Anthro)

Subspecies: Red Lykorian (Most noble, wealthy or otherwise important families  belong to this subspecies. Many of them think their subspecies is  superior to the others – yes, that's somehow racist. But Larados doesn't  think this way.)

Fur color: Red (like all  Red Lykorians) – but of cause not red like a stop sign, but more like  the color and pattern of a typical red Australian dingo.

Eye color: Brown.

Height: 2.05 m (a bit above average for a Red Lykorian, but still not extraordinary tall)

Scars: Larados has a few scars (most of them from sword fighting), but as the  wounds where usually clear cuts that were treated professionally, the  scars are not very think, so they are almost invisible (unless you look  closely) as the fur covers them.

Clothes: Larados typically wears a green kilt and a cloak of the same color, with some golden embroidery/decoration, and with the Lahara family symbol on it (also in gold), and a black leather belt.

Weapon: He is an excellent sword fighter and he never leaves his home without his sword. It's of this type:… It's a precious, high quality sword, but it doesn't have to much  decoration on it, as it was made for fighting, not for display. It's  engraved with the Lahara family symbol. When not in use, he wears it in a scabbard on his belt. It's important for him, as it was a present from his mother.
However,  when he expects trouble he also takes a longsword (two-handed sword),  because it's longer and thus has greater reach, or other weapons.

Personality: Larados isn't that good with distance weapons (like bow and arrow) and  he's quite bad at hunting (he wouldn't starve when left in the wild  without food, but he would surely have a hard time), but otherwise he is  flawless. At at least that what he thinks about himself.
Unfortunately  others think otherwise: He sometimes behaves like a pup in an adult  body, who is now able to experience the adventures he used to dream of,  without fully considering the consequences of this actions. For example  he sometimes “forgets” that a real sword fight isn't a game but a matter  of life and death, even for a good fighter like him. It's just luck  (and Delios) that he is still alive and without serious injuries.
And  while he doesn't care much about all the family honor and tradition  things that are so important for his mother and he often states that for  him everyone is created equal, he is in fact very proud of being a  Lord, and especially too proud for everything that looks like real work.

Family: Larados' Father died before he was born, but his mother, Clethyra  Xeres, is still alive. He also has a sister, Rethya Xeres. She is  younger than him, but not much, as they are from the same litter. What  happened to her is a well kept family secret, but it's not a good idea  to mention her when Larados or Clethyra are around.
Larados isn't  married, but his mother wants him to, as she wants to have a heir for  the family estate and title. (Of cause for her only a Red Lykorian, preferably from a noble or at least wealthy family, would be acceptable  as mother of her grandchildren.) But he says he didn't find the right  one yet, and seems to be more interested in his adventures instead of  founding a family.