Delios Najaro



2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Delios Najaro


Lord of Nivalia






Polar Lykorian

Fur color


Eye color



2.05 m


Name: Delios Najaro

Age: 28 (a few months younger than Larados)

“Occupation”: Slave of Larados, adventurer (He follows his master on his adventures  and travels, but not just because it's his duty. In fact he likes this  lifestyle as much as Larados does.)

Species: Lykorian (Wolf-Anthro)

Subspecies: Polar Lykorian – the strongest and tallest subspecies.

Fur color: White (Most Polar Lykorians are in fact not white, but Delios is. But he isn't an Albino, he just has white fur.)

Fur: Delios' fur is typical for a Polar Lykorian originating from the cold lands in the North: thick, but not extraordinary long.

Eye color: Blue

Hight: 2.05 m (he is rather short for a Polar Lykorian, but it's not clear if  it's genetically or if it's the result of malnutrition when he was a  pup.)

Slave marks: As reminders of a not too nice past Delios bears two slave brands: The Lahara family symbol on his chest and the symbol of the slave trader Terianos Alares at the right upper arm. He also has  (like all slaves) a registration number tattoo in his right ear, but  it's quite faded and invisible under the fur unless you look very close.

Scars: Aside from the brands, Delios has some scars, but as with Larados they  are covered by his fur, so they are almost not visible. His thick fur  helps with this. Fortunately he was never punished in a way that would  leave permanent scars.

Tail: Half of Delios' tail is missing. (Terianos cut it off when Delios was a pup. Understandably Delios is still angry about this.)

Clothes: Delios usually wears the typical clothes of a slave, a simple gray  breech-cloth and a brown leather belt. The only thing that is very  untypical for a slave is the sword he wears at his belt.

Weapon: While slaves can legally bear and use weapons with permission of their  master, it is widely seen inappropriate for them to carry a sword in  public. However, neither Larados nor Delios care much about this.
So  like his master, Delios never leaves home without his sword, and he is  an equally excellent sword fighter. His sword is identical to Larados'  sword, just with the Nivalia symbol instead of the Lahara symbol.
When  necessary, he also uses other weapons, but the sword is important for  him, as it was a present from Larados' mother.

Personality: Delios' past was rather sad and cruel. The worst thing was that he had  to watch his first master Davios Denoris (who probably is also his  father) beating his mother to death. However, he is now a very happy  person.He is a bit more careful and reasonable than Larados – not much,  but enough to keep both of them out of trouble most times.
While he  is Larados' slave, he doesn't behave submissive towards him at all. On  one hand they grew up together and are good friends, more like brothers  than like master and slave. And on the other hand Larados is in constant  need of money. His family is not only noble, but very wealthy, and they  own big farms with many slave workers. But unfortunately his mother  manages the families property. She gives him what she believes to be  enough for a young lord, but his adventures are rather expensive.  Everyone admires an hero, but no-one pays him, and as said before  working isn't an option for Larados. Delios, on the other hand, came to  much money (for rather complicated reasons), and so Larados borrowed  money from him. The dept is by now higher than Delios' value on the  slave market, somehow reversing the positions of slave and master: If  Larados would try to force Delios to something he doesn't want, he could  insist to get the dept payed back. Larados doesn't have the money and  would have to give Delios his freedom instead. (One might wonder why he  hasn't used this option yet. But for him the possibility to be free  whenever he wants already means freedom, he doesn't need an official  paper for this.)
However, his main goal in life is still to take revenge for his mothers death.

Family: With exception of his probable father Davios (who of course never  accepted him as his son) Delios has no living relatives, at least as far  as he knows. He has no siblings, and his mother Leila is dead. As he  was very young when she died, he doesn't even have clear memories of  her. He only remembers her scent and vaguely her fur color (white and  gray, Husky-like pattern). However he will never forget her screams when  she was beaten up by Davios.
Delios isn't married, as he thinks it  would be boring to have a relationship with only one female. (He is the  kind of guy who has a girl in every town, and doesn't care much if they  are free or slaves, married or not. A few times this has caused some  kind of troubles for him.) He also doesn't have any pups (at least none  he knows of).

Past: Delios' mother  Leila was born free, but to a very poor family. When she couldn't pay  back her debts, she was sold into slavery. She thought she would be  lucky when she was purchased by another Polar Lykorian named Davios as a  house slave, as Polar Lykorian slaves are often used as working slaves  in mines or factories under bad conditions. However she soon had to  realize that her new master Davios was mean and cruel. Whenever he was  in a bad mood (which happened quite often) he let it out on his slaves,  and for some reason Leila was his main victim. It only stopped when  Leila became pregnant. (The exact circumstances are unclear, but most  probably Davios himself was the father.) But after Delios' birth it  became even worse as before. He never actually hurt little Delios, but  he often threatened to kill him to hurt Leila.
One day Leila  accidentally dropped a plate while washing the dishes. Davios, who was  already in a bad mood, got so angry that he beat her up.

Fun fact: Delios has some kind of “alter ego”, the Lord of Nivalia. He then wears the same clothes as Larados, but in blue and with the Nivalia family symbol.  Originally it was just a parody of his master, but Delios also uses it  sometimes to confuse people (especially humans) who look down on him  because he is “just” a slave.