Basic Info


Rigil Kentaurus “RK” Galaxy

Celestial Body

Alpha Centauri A/Rigil Kentaurus


Cis Male




Asexual Gay

Chronological Age

4.85-5.3 billion

Physical Age



Place of Birth


(Elon Musk but a decent person) Engineer and Entrepreneur


He might have kids (planets)

Significant Other(s)

Alpha Centauri B/Toliman


“Why have just one sun when you could have an entire galaxy’s worth?”

Rigil Kentaurus has big dreams for the galaxy, yet if all he ever achieved was being a good husband, he would consider his life a success. Enthusiastic about his dreams and infusing passion into everything he does, RK is able to charm the minds and hearts of his audience. Yet he is not dishonest, and always lives up to his promises. He has a kind word for everybody, greeting friends and strangers alike with smiles. Yet in private he will open up about his dislike of certain people. He is confident enough to put himself in the spotlight, yet humble enough to step down from it, a lesson a similar star might need to learn. Despite his usual energetic attitude, recently he’s become more quiet, and Toliman wonders if his busy life might be getting to him. No matter what, he stays optimistic, with a sunny outlook that can brighten anyone’s day. Because of his reputation for being friendly and positive, he overlooks anyone who gets annoyed with him, and ignores any calling out of his bad behavior. So he continues to make jokes at other stars’ expense, and continues to ignore yet overwork Proxima. What are the dreams he sells? RK works as an engineer focusing on space travel, hoping to make the galaxy less reliant on the wormhole networks. He wishes to travel the galaxy, yet he knows that his family doesn’t share the same adventurous spirit, so he’s happy to stay where he is. He has a close relationship with his husband Toliman, though the two tend to keep public displays of affection to the point in their orbit when they are closest. The two always have the kindest words for each other, and spend long nights together looking at the other stars. They share a home in a circumbinary orbit around the two real stars. He is more distant with Proxima Centauri, seeing her more as a business partner than a friend, and having no romantic interest in her at all. Still, he is trying to become friendlier with her. He is one of the few stars who can stand Sol, finding their personalities to be similar and admiring Sol’s dedication to his planets. 

Physical Appearance

315 centimeters (10’4”) tall. Mesomorphic, with moderate build. Round face. Dark tan skin tone with golden undertones, several light yellow “veins” visible throughout his face and body. Round pale yellow eyes. Medium-width nose. His face is sometimes covered with small dark dots. Short curly pale yellow hair. Usually wears a yellow polo shirt with one yellow and one orange button, an off-white coat with black buttons and yellow-and-orange swirled lapels, orangish yellow pants, a dark reddish brown belt, and light orange shoes. 

Design Notes

Alpha Centauri A or Rigil Kentaurus is a very similar star to the Sun, being the same spectral class and only slightly more massive and luminous. Rigil Kentaurus has a similar body type, facial features, and color scheme to Sol, though they are not related. He is only slightly taller than Sol. Slightly older than the Sun, his face has a few lines. His skin tone is more typical of a G2V star, while Sol has an unusually light skin tone (my in-universe excuse for originally calibrating the spectral type/skin tone scale not to my liking). G-type stars have color schemes consisting of off-white (true white is reserved for class F and A), yellow, and some orange. Their skin has a golden undertone and their star veins are light yellow, fitting the conventional color description of these stars as yellow. The off-white is closer to their true color. RK’s hair is curled to represent coronal loops and other activity. The Alpha Centauri system as a whole has a business casual style, and so RK wears a simple outfit, with a polo shirt, plain pants, and more formal shoes. The yellow button on his shirt represents himself, and the orange button represents Alpha Centauri B or Toliman. The black buttons on his coat represent starspots, and are analogous to the Sun’s sunspot buttons. The swirling pattern on the coat’s lapels represents stellar flares and coronal mass ejections. His orange shoes are another reference to his binary partner. Finally, his belt represents possible planets in the Alpha Centauri system, as its brown and gray are reminiscent of the colors of terrestrial planets.   

-Don't whitewash him! Don't give him Sol's skin tone, even though they are the same spectral type. 

-Don't draw his hair straight. It's curly. 

-His eyes and hair are pale yellow. 

-The top button on his shirt is yellow and the bottom is orange.