Basic Info


Toliman “Toli” Galaxy

Celestial Body

Alpha Centauri B/Toliman


Cis Male




Asexual Gay

Chronological Age

4.85-5.3 billion

Physical Age

Late 30s/early 40s


Place of Birth


Marketer, House husband


He might have kids (planets)

Significant Other(s)

Alpha Centauri A/Rigil Kentaurus


“Actually, RK, I’m fine with just one other sun in my life…”

Toliman is fine with Rigil Kentaurus being the face of both their company and their system, for he doesn’t know anyone who could do a better job. He is as kind, engaging, and passionate as his husband, but he seems to lack that natural charm that RK has. He’s seen as the quieter of the two, though when by himself or with RK, he lets loose. He becomes the energetic, lively one, bursting with excitement. Yet he has a hidden sarcastic side, making snide remarks that sting much harder than anything RK can say. He occasionally loses his temper, though he hides his flares. After all, he’s not some temperamental red dwarf. He’s a K star, the kindest, most reliable stars in the galaxy, and he tries to prove that. He takes on more responsibilities than he can handle, juggling all the work managing the home with all the work marketing RK’s inventions. He refuses to take breaks, even when his husband demands it of him, and the subject of how to divide up work is the only thing the two disagree about. Even if he’s the secondary of the system, the one with the weaker gravity, he’s the one who’s demanding quality time with RK whenever the latter is home from work. Toliman is not the most optimistic person, so he relies on RK to lighten his mood and bring warmth to his life. In addition to being the stay-at-home spouse, Toliman designs all the advertisements for RK’s inventions. Even though he doesn’t have the same passion for travel as RK, he more than compensates with his love of art and natural beauty. Nothing pleases him more than a night out under the stars. He often invites Proxima over to the Alpha Centauri AB home to share what he’s working on, though he isn’t as close with her as he would like. Secretly he’s glad that she’s the one handling the numbers and working with technology, which he is notoriously bad with. He’s not as close with Sol as his husband, both for being different spectral types and for Sol’s favoritism of bright stars, yet the two are still close friends. He doesn’t tell Sol how often he annoys him

Physical Appearance

295 centimeters (9’8”) tall. Endomorphic mesomorph, with high muscle and some fat. Round face. Medium brown skin with orangish undertones, several yellow-orange “veins” visible throughout his face and body. Round pale yellow-orange eyes. Broad nose. His face is covered with small dark dots resembling freckles, but they are hard to see. Short tight curly yellowish orange hair. Usually wears a light orange polo shirt with one yellow and one orange button, a light yellow coat with black buttons and orange-and-yellow-swirled pockets, dark orange pants, and light yellow shoes.   

Design Notes

Alpha Centauri B or Toliman is slightly cooler and smaller than the Sun, so the character is a few inches shorter. Smaller stars have greater densities, and so Toliman has a higher body mass than Rigil Kentaurus. His facial features are similar to the other members of his star system, even though none of them are related. (We might subconsciously choose partners who look like us or our parents, after all.) Though he is the same age as RK, the star’s smaller mass means it is not as evolved as Alpha Centauri A, so Toliman looks younger. His freckles, which also represent starspots, help with that. K-type stars have color schemes consisting of oranges and yellows, with an emphasis on light oranges as opposed to the dark oranges more common for M stars. K stars have yellow-orange eyes, yellow-orange veins, and light orange hair. The curls and loops in his hair represent stellar flares and coronal mass ejections like the equivalent on the Sun. Toliman shares the business casual style of the Alpha Centauri system, though his clothing is more on the “casual” end. His outfit is very similar to RK’s, aside from the different colors. He has the same yellow and orange buttons on his shirt, one for himself and one for his binary partner. His shoes are yellow in reference to RK. The buttons on his coat represent starspots, and he has more buttons than RK because Alpha Centauri B is more active than Alpha Centauri A. The swirling pattern on his coat pockets reference stellar flares. He used to wear a belt like RK’s, but lost it; likewise, the exoplanet Alpha Centauri Bb appears to have been a false positive. 

-Don't whitewash him!

-Do not draw his hair straight, or with loose curls! 

-HIs eyes are pale yellow-orange. 

-HIs pockets have orange swirls on them.