


2 years, 5 months ago


name: revheart

age: as old as humanity but also a teenager forever

place of origin: second earth

ethnicity: it’s a lump of flesh from an alternate dimension

spoken/understood languages: all

reason for transfer: lives here

fighting style: double sickles + summons of its underlings

a being that fuels all human suffering and desire. the heart itself is very humanlike in intelligence and attitude, unlike the other shadows of the second earth. it is also the only inhabitant of the second earth that is capable of innovation; it has been researching humans for centuries

dissatisfied with the state of human society, it aims to eventually stage a mass coup on the prime earth and create a utopia where all human suffering is effectively destroyed ("you're welcome"). however, there are a lot of things it still doesn't quite understand about people. in one of its first research projects, it creates a tournament as a test of human strength. 

late-game, it takes on a “girl-shaped form” by possessing a vessel resembling a porcelain doll. it has made several uncanny masks from similar material for use by shadows, as to not intimidate human guests