


2 years, 6 months ago



"I wish the voices weren't so loud."
  • Name "I've forgotten."
  • Age 18
  • Birthday September 9
  • Pronouns They/Them
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • Personality

    A generally pessimestic person, Nobody has lost all sense of identity but retained a sour outlook on life. They're not entirely sure where this sour outlook originated but they don't seem too concerned about changing it. Ambitionless and indifferent, they go about life in a meaningless stuper, often finding themselves lonesome and isolated. They're realistic in their thinking and apathetic in practice. At times they appear manic or unhinged due to chatting with the voices which no one else can hear.

    Despite not remembering most of their past, they have no inclination to learn about their missing identity.

  • Appearance

    A reasonably short person managing about 5'2 with dark black hair and the tips of their hair is dyed a deep purple. Their eyes are usually matching their dark hair, but change color depending on what power/voice they're using. They are thin and pale, dark bags underneath their eyes reveal their lack of sleep. Their common outfit is a gray hoodie, purple cargo shorts and light gray converse.

  • Likes Sleeping, being alone
  • Dislikes Crowded areas, loud people, makeup
  • Backstory

    Nobody's body acts as a host for the six voices. It's unknown to them why or how those voices entered their consciousness. Despite inhabiting the same body, the voices are unable to take full control of their host's body and rather act as their advocates on their shoulders. The host cannot remember anything previously about their own personality before the voices came, a consequence of the fusion. Nobody retains their individual consciousness yet their memory of their previous personality and lifestyle are foggy.

    Nobody has given the entities within them the title of the Six Voices and they, in turn, gave their host the name "Nobody." At first, the entities fought a lot with their host, arguing and treating each other poorly. After a few near death run-ins, the voices started to grow attached to their host and eventually started acting more as a companion rather than a driver.

  • Abilities

    Nobody is able to harness each voices' powers and abilities with their consent and cooperation.

  • "One" He/Him, Red

    "One" controls the offensive powers that Nobody has. This includes energy beams and launching pointed shapes made from hardened plasma. He's brash and aggressive, always opting to use violence rather than talk things out. He gets on Two's nerves sometimes.

  • "Two" She/Her, Green

    "Two" controls the healing and regenerative powers that Nobody has. Being the only feminine voice, she has a lot to contend with, being surrounded by masculine characters. She's kind and friendly, certainly the motherly figure out of all the voices. She's gentle to Nobody and often steps up to defend their host.

  • "Three" He/Him, Orange

    "Three" has the ability to enhance any of Nobody's senses, this includes strength, hearing, sight, and smell. He's the most alert out of all the voices, opting to observe and learn. He likes it when they go to school, being the scholarly type. He's non-confrontational and prefers to stay quiet during arguements though he is always listening.

  • "Four" He/Him, Blue

    "Four" controls Nobody's ability to fly and glide. He's airy and fiesty, being a notorious gossiper. He can be quite noisy and sarcastic, often annoying all the voices at one time. He butts heads with Three a lot.

  • "Five" He/Him, Yellow

    "Five" controls any defensive ability Nobody may have. This includes forcefields and summoning shields. Despite being one of the most important power holders, they're often asleep and uninterested. If the voice is unconscious or unwilling, Nobody will not be able to harness their power.

  • "Six" He/Him, Purple

    "Six" is the leader of the group and controls Nobody's overall emotional and mental stability as well as being the mediator for the rest of the voices. He's respected by the others and generally can calm them down more than Nobody can. He interacts the most with their host, acting as their guide and companion.

  • Trivia
    • "Nobody" was a previous persona of mine.
    • They enjoy playing videogames with multiple choices.
    • The Six Voices each have their own likes and dislikes.
    • Nobody does not live with anyone. They live alone.
    • They work two jobs: an amusement park worker and movie store clerk.
    • Nobody did not go to college.