
2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info








Short-tempered, loyal

Best Friends

Chess, Zoop


Early in his life, Archer was a member of a small group of vermin thieves, with his mother being the leader.  While in the group he was trained to use a bow and arrow and became highly skilled at it.  None of the other members (including his mother) were particularly kind to him and as a result he tends to be very anti-social and short tempered.  Archer is also very scared of his mother.

One day when Archer was still pretty young, he gets separated from his group.  While wandering a forest trying to find them, he encounters a young squirrel name Chess, who is also lost.  Though Archer wants nothing to do with her, Chess follows him.  Chess is also very talkative and chirpy, which annoys Archer greatly.  She, however, gains his respect after she helps him to fight off an adder.  They then agree to team up and help each other find their families.  As he travels with Chess, they bond and Archer experiences friendship for the first time.  

They eventually find Archer's band, but Archer's mother decides to take Chess captive.  Archer, not wanting to anger his mother, steps aside and doesn't do anything to help Chess at first.  However, after realizing that Chess is now more important to him than his 'family', Archer betrays his band and rescues Chess.  They manage to escape his mother's wrath and they head out to find Chess's family.

They find Chess's family at Redwall Abbey, and after a lot of convincing by Chess, the abbot allows Archer to stay at Redwall.  At the abbey, Archer has a hard time adjusting due to him being the only vermin species there.  The other animals at the abbey are also very mistrustful of him at first.  His short temper does not help matters either.  

He gradually starts making more friends though, the first being a mole named Zoop (he and Zoop became friends after working in the kitchens together several times).  He also gains the respect of the Skipper (the otter in charge of Redwall's defense) and helps to teach others in using a bow and arrow (including Chess).  He eventually settles into his new life.