Storm Thrasher



9 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Traveling Weather Patrol Captain / Bolt Bucker

Strengths & Weakness

His right wing was nearly a torn limb while he was getting carried away and showing off, luckily for him it healed very well with special care that he could keep his wing. But he's never been a strong flier since, but his legs have gained quite a bit of muscle with all his running.


Pegasus Pony


Older Adult





Nick Names

Thrash, Bolt, Kicks


Equestria / Moves with the storm fronts.


[ W I P ]

Making a new profile for this character. Information below is outdated.

Physical Description

What once use to be a sleek and slender colt is now the large bulk of muscle. When he was younger he was all about the flying sports - to be good you need to be thin and light to fly even faster. When his wing was damaged he couldn't bring himself to sit in bed rest for months. With having so much trouble getting from cloud to cloud on an injured wing he took to the ground and began running very long distances without stop. He is now a fantastic marathon runner - when he gets going it's like a train! No pony can stop him. Now with age and muscle he has turned out to be a pretty heavy set stallion. He's not one to normally bother with the latest styles and what nots, so he keeps his mane and tail cropped pretty short. It's no good to get it all singed off anyway when he's bolt bucking.


This pony likes to keep nothing on his mind but work, work, work. The weather is constantly growing and changing so he likes to stay completely on top of it all and makes his trainee's work their poor little wings off. Most would call him a strict boss but he just likes getting the job done.

One would never guess that his Stallion use to be quote the Mare's Pony and strutting his stuff all over Cloudsdale and Canterlot when he was nothing but a young colt. He was always one to show off his feathers and kick up some dust. But it was exactly that "Jump first think later" attitude that got him into a mess of trouble. He's really toned himself down since then and doesn't even seem to let himself enjoy the natural pride.


Storm Thrasher was a talented flier from colthood. He was part of the very first team of Wonderbolts of his day, during a major performance at a celebration Thrash took a major injury to the right wing. He never flew as strong since and had to be cut from the team. He now works as a general weather patrol pegasus with a special talent to kick and buck direct lightening, a dangerous task for any other pony. He doesn't stay in one place for long, always following the storm fronts to where he's needed to make sure the heavy lightening storms don't harm near a pony's house or create a forest fire.

Likes and Dislikes

♥ His solitude, he's just not normally the social type. He secluded himself into his work and prefers to keep it that way. But it's been harder since he became a captain and needs to train in younger ponies.
♥ A good storm. Nothing to keep his mind busy than a good hard days worth of work.
♥ There is nothing more beautiful to him than lightening over the great plains or seas.
♥ Jello snacks. Really, who doesn't love these jiggly snacks?

✖ Home city of Cloudsdale. He has family there but still avoids it since it's hard on him consistently flying.
✖ Being reminded of his past career as a young Wonderbolt. He doesn't like being around the old team or keeping in touch. Talking about it is awkward since he has drastically changed from the show-colt he use to be.