Kai (About Orca-sapiens)



2 years, 6 months ago


More info on the species orca-sapiens, or orcans!

Competing for space, Orcans will drive out or hunt down other whales or sharks in their territory. When encountering another orcan, they'll want to recruit them. If they refuse to join, they'll let the stranger off with a warning to stay out of their territory. 

Orca-sapiens can grow to be up to 30 feet in length. Males are usually several feet longer than females.

Male orcans also have small spines on some areas of their body. They can be found on the shoulders, tail, cheeks, elbows, or back of the hands, and develop during the adolescent stages. They are used to attract and impress females. They are also born with luminescent red markings on several parts of their body. These markings are brightly colored to make the male more noticeable. 

Female orcans are born without those markings, and have shorter tails 

Orca-sapiens sometimes mistake humans for seals and attack, just like some sharks do. This is because of orca-sapiens' bad eyesight. These attacks have resulted in human disappearances and scary encounters. People are not natural prey for orcans- they avoid humans at all costs. 

Some Orca-sapiens have been spotted by humans. They are often too far away to be distinguished and come out at night, but humans have theorized and thought them to be mermaids and sea monsters, noticing their tails and general body shape.

Most orcans have no sense of smell. When they do, they can only detect a small amount of molecules through the air by opening their nostrils, which can be painful for the first time. They cannot smell under water.

Orcans can have from one to six blowholes on their bodies. Since the humanoid figure is so complex, God created them with many locations to breathe from. 

Freshwater orcans and saltwater orcans can only live in their corresponding environments. Both breeds of orca-sapiens have subtle differences in appearance.

Saltwater orcans [like Kai] have lighter colors and larger tails. Freshwater orcans have darker colors and tend to be smaller in size overall. The females are born with blue markings and the males have spikes on their backs similar to a crocodile's.

The two different types of orcans are often divided very far from each other, in totally different bodies of water. 

((I don't know If i'll be keeping the idea of two orcan breeds.))