


9 years, 5 months ago




"Insert a quote here."

  • AGE Unknown
  • GENDER Unknown
  • SPECIES Unknown
  • CUTIE MARK Unknown
  • PETS Unknown
  • OCCUPATION Unknown

Talk about your character here. This box will not scroll. Duis dictum, nunc in porta facilisis, orci arcu rhoncus sapien, eu convallis leo velit sed urna. Proin mattis sed lacus id varius. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus lobortis venenatis dictum. Phasellus a lobortis mi, a tincidunt lacus. Aenean nec feugiat dui. Nullam in luctus nisl. Ut ut velit scelerisque, convallis felis et, posuere ante. In a quam pulvinar, mattis ex sed, lacinia lorem. Quisque venenatis nisl sem, sed commodo eros consequat eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer egestas iaculis felis sed pretium. Duis cursus mi ut nisi luctus vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Morbi pretium mi nec nunc pharetra viverra. Etiam lacinia eget lectus nec egestas. Suspendisse ut est elit. Integer dictum sem est, vitae dapibus nibh blandit sed. Ut vehicula lorem eget lorem tincidunt, sed gravida metus tristique. Proin id dapibus ligula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec dictum varius ex sit amet porttitor. Sed quis elementum sem, nec luctus nisi.

Code by AviCode

Came to Cloverly to find work. At this time he's working mining operation for Miss Sterling who runs a goods company out of Cloverly. He's a pretty gruff character. Quiet, keeps to himself. But if he sees bad shit going down right in front of him, he'll most likely step in and take the brunt of it. He's real good at being a tank. Rather short pony stallion, he's stout and extremely strong.

Owns 3 domesticated cockatrice.

He loves his chickens very very much. He even casually talks to them. Probably the only critters that hear the most out of him. He prefers camping out in the wilds than staying in town. But Miss Sterling Stone supplied him with a quiet property on the edge of town that suits his needs perfectly.

Cinders knows the perils that await him in the mountain range. But the itch is back and he needs to let his hooves wander a bit to satisfy the wanderlust. Don’t go Cinders, it’s too dangerous to out on your own like that! Listen to your own cutie mark!!