


2 years, 5 months ago


rewriting his profile atm so here's a general gist:

lepuveret is the living physical manifestation of the lepus constellation, created by nightmare. his equivalent age is around mid-late 30's, and he's trans (which is why he has a dewlap). 

lepuveret is the son of nightmare and ursaline, the great bear constellation/aka ursa major (though none of them actually realize that). he lived under nightmare's reign until he was around 11-14, when he ran away and began wandering the cosmos, evading any monsters sent out to search for him. before he left, he used his cosmic magic to gift a sort of good luck/protection spell to both a baby meta knight and any other of his siblings that may already exist/may come to exist (all of whom now unknowingly have their older brother's magic helping them out). he is unaware of narune + chavra's existence, and while he is aware of meta knight's existence, he hasn't seen him in decades. meta knight is... very vaguely aware of his elder brother existing through nightmare, though he never got to know much, seeing how lepuveret was gone by the time he'd woken up. 

a very quiet and stoic guy, by all other means. seeing how he's a living constellation, he is a divine entity. out of his siblings, he is also the only one that nightmare grew some semblance of an actual paternal bond with. lepuveret has some... complex feelings regarding his father due to this.