Yumi-Karen Toubai/Stahlbaum



2 years, 6 months ago







unuaflamm-seiyubian (kitakujin + breithimmelan)







magic ability

memory magic





voice claim

ashly burch (molly mcgee, the ghost and molly mcgee)

One of the four original Protectors of the Administrative Region of Kitaku. As the daughter of a former Protector, she has ended up assuming the role of a Protector herself, however, she is uneasy of the fate that has been brought upon her.



worth: N/A obtained: N/A

Design Notes.
  • Yumi was originally designed to have as many ribbons as possible, along with being designed with a "typical" magical girl in mind. Recently, however, her design (and other parts of her character) has been taking inspiration from Clara of The Nutcracker ballet.
  • 4 feet 11 inches (149.86 centimeters) in height.
  • Uses a shoehorn as her weapon when in Benita form.

Gift Art
Character Interactions
Ship Art


  • Concepts for Yumi have existed since what is possibly 2018/2019, and only recently was she actually adapted into being part of the main series of Descendants ☆f Hazel (prev. Witch☆Hazel)!
  • Her first last name (Toubai) is meant to be Japanese, and is read in Kanji as 糖梅, which takes kanji from "sugar" and "plum". Put together, it would read something along the lines of "sugar plum", which is something mentioned in The Nutcracker.
  • Her second last name (Stahlbaum) is the same last name as that of Clara from The Nutcracker, as Clara is the daughter of Herr Stahlbaum (her father), and would therefore most likely share the same last name as him.
  • In the real world, she’d be considered German-Japanese!
  • Her birthday, while written as 2/14 in-universe, is February 14 in the real world. Not only does this fall on Valentine’s Day, but this also makes her an aquarius.

A young girl who is relatively optimistic about the future. As a daughter of one of the previous Protectors of the Administrative Region of Kitaku, Yumi could be argued to be perfect for the role of Protector herself; she had the drive, hopefulness, kindliness, friendliness...she had it all, and as a result she was considered the "ideal" Protector by many. And Yumi is well aware of this and entirely owns it by being the best she possibly can. Plus, with her biological ex-Protector mother mysteriously disappearing shortly before she became a Protector, she aims to carry on her legacy by being a Protector as well...and perhaps, if she does well enough, her mother may come back to her!

Not everything is as it seems, however. Much of Yumi's optimism and perception of the world around her was brought about by her own magic, which she used on herself to wipe any traumatic memories she gained in life away from her brain. This constant memory-wiping brings about many unfortunate side effects; for one, she has become somewhat of an amnesiac, with her having days in which she doesn’t remember having a family beyond her adoptive mother (also an ex-Protector who just so happened to know her mother back when she was still around); some days, she forgets her own name. Not to mention, many truths of her home country ended up hidden from her due to her memory wiping-- truths that include the true circumstances of her biological mother's disappearence and her adoptive mother's paranoia that Yumi happened to witness a lot. All of this together creates an admittedly slight sense of unease within Yumi, and try as she might to ignore it, she can only avoid finding out the truth for so long...