Eku-Mako Yuukon



2 years, 1 month ago







seiyubian (kitakujin)


17 (assumed)





magic ability






voice claim

haley tju (darcy wu, amphibia)

One of the four original Protectors of the Administrative Region of Kitaku. Much about Eku is unknown, from their age (which many assume to be 17 at the oldest) to where they came from and how their home life is. They're mostly seen as the leader of the Kitaku Protectors, however, taking charge of tough situations and keeping a close eye on the other three Protectors, just in case.



worth: N/A obtained: N/A

Design Notes.
  • With the other characters of Season 3 being based off of characters from the second act of The Nutcracker, Eku is based off of Mother Ginger in the ballet. Elements of the Polichinelles have also been incorporated into them.
  • 5 feet 5 inches (165.1 centimeters) in height.
  • Uses a cudgel as their weapon when in Benita form.

Gift Art
Character Interactions
Ship Art


  • Early concepts of Eku can be traced back to a joke "Mary Sue" character made for the series, as a speculative character for if a "Mary Sue" were to exist in-universe.
  • Their last name (Yuukon) is meant to be Japanese, and is read in Kanji as 邑根, which takes kanji from "village" and "root".
  • It can, however, also be read as 幽魂 in Kanji, meaning "spirits of the dead". Eerie, I know. Wonder if it means anything!
  • In the real world, they’d be considered Japanese!
  • Having no known birthday, no information can be provided about their zodiac at this time.
  • Interestingly enough, they also don't have any known magic abilities as they've never (visibly) used them once in front of the other Protectors. However, they themselves have confirmed that they do actually have magical abilities, just that they wish to keep them "a fun little secret".

A mysterious young witch whose past is mostly unknown by both the other Protectors and others as a whole. No one really knows where they came from, nor does anyone know who their parents are, and when attempts were made to follow them home to figure out even a crumb of information about them, they mysteriously disappeared before people could know where they were going. They have neither attended school, nor were they homeschooled previously, and yet somehow, they knew about as much as the average high school student of their age. All that is known is that they are a Kitakujin, born and raised, and an active member of the governing cult, but from where (and whom) in Kitaku exactly, no one really knows.

One thing is for certain, Eku doesn't seem to be someone to be trusted...at least, according to In'am. Despite their motherly and charismatic appearence, they are a member of the governing cult and heavy supporter of the government, and therefore they are incredibly patriotic, being willing to do anything for the sake of the cult. They are deeply religious as well, using the Hazelic sacred texts as a crutch for their daily activities, even if their (or even that of the entirety of the governing cult's) interpretation of the sacred texts is wrong. But beyond these, their demeanor is constantly changing, and they have a bit of a fickle personality; they tend say or do things that contradict what they had previously said or done before, and on occasions there have been times where they even said they were against the actions of the government, only to suddenly go back to agreeing with them shortly after. Just who exactly is Eku, and what are their true intentions...?