平野 信介 !!



2 years, 5 months ago


平野 信介 !!

Report Card

name shinsuke hirano
dob 8 august・18
nationality japanese
blood type O-
weight 67.6kg
height 5'10
Gender male・he/him
Orient. straight ( )


"if you need me, i'll be there; just ask!"

shinsuke is caring at first glance. he's very down to earth, but comes off passionate when it comes to his interests. he's got a great sense of teamwork, and keeping a conversation is one of his strong suits. he has high dreams of all of those around him, even if they do not. however, he has a strong sense of his morals. a stickler for the rules, he's endures discipline to understand when he escapes them. he dislikes those who oppose rules, and detests those who hurt or hold no empathy for the sick or injured. his preferred aggression is shown in behavior rather than physical, willing to scold someone rather than punch. due to his profession, he's dealt with a handful of people dying on the job, and he still isn't fully capable of detaching himself. he holds great grief when people die, whether he could assist or not.

shinsuke's natural reaction is to be content with what he has. when he's happy, it's easily seen by a smile on his face and his voice raising slightly. his smiles are wide, and tend to stretch across his face. he's big for smiling. when he laughs, it's often a quiet chuckle, but when he starts giggling it's almost contagious. surprisingly, he doesn't get too loud with laughter.

he is often outspoken if he's dissatisfied however, unless it's to save someone's feelings. small pet peeves he's vocal about. however, when he gets deeply upset, angry or scared, shinsuke falls to total silence. to say he doesn't cry often would be an understatement. he cries very infrequently, and when he does he will avoid talking or accounting for it altogether. he apologizes for displaying negative emotions more than not.


  • iced coffee
  • concerts
  • dogs
  • chicken noodle soup
  • music


  • paper cuts
  • stitches
  • horror movies
  • alcohol
  • bullies


  • shinsuke has done things he's ashamed of, too! mainly ditching school and faking age for a driver's license.
  • if you ask him about the trolley problem, he'll have a crisis!
  • his scar was caused on the job! he insisted on stitching it up himself as not to disturb others, and though it was rather painful and did not scar subtly, he'll joke about it now.
  • he had a rebellious phase when he was younger. he keeps this to himself, however. it makes him embarrassed.
  • he doesn't quite like dark humour. while it makes for funny interactions at work, it also tends to get rather awkward..


mother ???
father ryouta hirano
??? ???
??? ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • shinsuke moved out of his childhood home at 18.