Sorrow (Leena)



9 months, 27 days ago


General Information:

Full Name: Leena Saffron

Age: 19 (prior to Sanitization), 21 (Splat. 2 Age, as Sorrow)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual, Aromantic

Species: Inkling (Part-Firefly Squid)


Born and raised in Inkopolis Plaza, Leena grew up in a household very closely connected to her two closest cousins, Roc and Rayana. Despite not being 100% blood related, and being a good few years apart, the three grew up more like close siblings. Leena was commonly seen as the nerdiest of the three, very often absorbed in research or other activities as opposed to being active and taking part in battles. It wasn't really until Roc and Rayana came of age to partake that she herself indulged in the activity with them, often forming a part of a team with them! She never considered herself the best, but she always had a bright smile with the both of them at her side! Throughout every single one of the multitude of photos she took with them, she never had any other expression than pure joy! Eventually, they even somewhat made a team with another girl named Tempest, one of Rayana's friends. Rayana called their ragtag group of a friend and three family members Team Luminosity just once and it stuck! Leena was a ferocious inkbrush user, even if she prefered to zip around the map over directly fighting!

Throughout her later teen years, whenever not having fond memories made with her cousins and friend, she was up and working on her collage studies, particularly in photography and history. Growing up, she'd gained an obsession with the passage of time, and she seeked often to preserve what she had, and also look to the past for how to move forward. Throughout her studies, this led her to take one particular interest that would, inadvertently shape her future; the mysterious civilisation known as the octarians. Said to be the inklings' greatest enemies in what was written of the Great Turf War, she saw more of a moral middle ground. They never seemed inherently evil to her, after all, just fighting for the surface.

Around the time she was taking these, she began to learn of recent rumours, in light of the disappearance and reappearance of the Great Zapfish…rumours of an inkling taking an odd sewer drain, a distant directly connected canyon still tied to the Octarians. Despite the worries of her cousins, she saw this as her chance. And after months of heavy research, she pursued this, setting out for the mysterious place. She only expected to be gone a little while, either not expecting to find much or returning after scouting a little. She said her simple goodbyes to her cousins, knowing she'd see them again soon!

…Days passed, and Leena never returned...