Erel'e Sabal'Dax



6 years, 8 months ago


Name: Erel’e(moonservant)


Age: 123+

Species: Drow

Gender: Male

Height: 4’7”

Sexuality: gay

Occupation: Entertainer

Class: Bard

Alignment: neutral (evil)


Relationship(s): Ranroos Alerret(


                            Micar Zau’Duis

                            (Off and on


Weapon(s): lute, long knife, hand


Quirks: wears feminine clothing,

            tends to kill or sell off females,

            narcissistic, keeps a small

            mirror on himself to check his

           appearance, sweet talker,

           flirtatious, uses his races

           reputation to bully surface

          dwellers into getting what he


Likes: Handsome/attractive guys,

           feminine clothes, gold/coin,

           dancing, wine, looking good,

           sensual activities, reading,

           music/playing, sweet breads,

           bullying “lesser races”(lives

           watching them squirm), his


Dislikes: females(doesn’t even like his

               mother or sisters), “lesser

               races” getting the better of

               him, dirt(or dirty people),

               frumpy clothes, late

               payment, Interruptions,


Erel’e’s hatred for females was almost instantaneous. Having grown up in the female dominated city of Menzoberranzan, he learned quickly that his fate was tied with the unpredictable females. Not that living in a city in constant chaos wasn’t unpredictable. Erel’e just liked making his own truths and paths. Rather then have his life decided by the matrons and priestesses of Lolth. He was raised for the most part by his older sisters. His mother having gone on to serve as a priestess. Being expected to go into the service of one of the many houses that made up the city.

He discovered his natural talent and gift for musical manipulation at a young age. Not that it was any surprise, his father had been gifted with the talent. Though he rarely saw him, parents didn’t particularly participate in the raising of their children. By the time Erel’e was considered an adult his father was killed during a raid. Needless to say, the life of a soldier wasn’t for him.

Erel’e left with a small caravan to the city of Chaulssin. Wanting a change from the female tyranny. Though he quickly discovered only those with dragon blood were truly accepted there. Not that he complained, Erel’e found he quite preferred male dominance to female. Making some headway by selling his fellow female companions to some of the lower houses, the bard in turn worked for one of the middle Houses,  Though there were many who felt he should be grateful to have his life in exchange.

Still, he grew tired of the Drow-dragons, wanting a more free life then the one he led. Though leaving the city was next to impossible. Let alone the house he was now tied to. They weren’t particularly influential but they were after all, Zekyl and their youngest son(yet older then him) had taken a liking to him. In more ways then one. Not that  Erel’e minded, he quite enjoyed their times with him. But he is a fickle Drow. Wanting to have a say in his choices rather then be in service to another. However impossible that might be.

He was able to escape eventually, sneaking aboard another caravan heading to Skullport. There he sold his bardic services to willing customers. Even going so far as to work for one of the establishments there. He was far happier making his own coin as opposed to being in servitude to another. No matter how good they made him feel.