Micar Zau'Duis




Name: Micar (lost) Zau’Duis (Children of the Whip)

Age: 200


Gender: Male


Sexuality: bi

Occupation: Mercenary

Class: Fighter

Alignment: chaotic evil


Relationship(s): Erel’e Sabal’Dax (on and off playmate)

Weapon(s): whip, sickle

Quirks: mentally unstable( from being

             experimented on by illthids),

             easily agitated, doesn’t work

             well in groups( usually turns

             on his companions),

             Talks to himself, doesn’t trust

              anyone, has electric burn

              marks on his temples, not the

              most intelligent.

Likes: sharp objects, shorter

           partners, working alone,

           Spiders, raw meat, open areas

           where he can see everything,


Dislikes: illthids, psionic’s, taller

               beings(makes him feel less

               in control), non-drow, large

                crowds or cramped places,

                Lolth( though he grudgingly

                worships her son more

                outta respect), overly

                talkative people.


Born as a noble to the house of Zau’Duis in the city of a Ched Nasad. Micar was the oldest son, often having to watch his back as one often did in noble houses. Or in Drow society in general. His brothers were ambitious people, taking opportunities to try and kill their older siblings. Micar had killed his older brother to gain his status during a house raid. Defending it til the day his house fell. Though he was well into his adulthood when that happened.

The house of Zau’Duis had been destroyed during the destruction of Ched Nasad. Micar was the only remaining member. Having been out of the city at the time. He’d been hunting down some escaped slaves. Upon returning, he found he had no home to return to. He was left with nothing but the clothing and items he had on him and his name. Killing the slaves he’d recaptured, Micar left the city. Making his way to Skullport.

On his way to Skullport, he was attacked and overpowered by a small group of illthids. They used him in a number of mental experiments, driving him to insanity. He was finally able to escape when they became careless. Leaving only one of their kin on watch as they went out. Micar killed the illthid on watch. Retrieving his belongings. Escaping towards the main road. Following it towards Skullport.

Micar was never the same after his encounter with the illthids. Becoming more paranoid and on edge. Though he still had most of his wits. But found he couldn’t focus on difficult problems. Reading became a chore, forgetting the meanings of words or phrases. He still had his martial skills, being quite attune with his physical capabilities. Taking the job of a mercenary. Often working alone, killing his companions on the occasions he did work with them.