奏 || Kanade



2 years, 5 months ago


No need to get so hyped, my darling
Mother. Kanade

Name 奏 || Kanade
Age 187y
Gender M
Height 7m/199cm
Species Cat-Bear hybrid
Affiliation All Houses
ALIAS Hunter

"He might be looking the other way, but he already knows you have one hand in your pocket."

                                             -御倉 || Mikura

When I met him, he was sitting in the church halls. Didn't know what he was doing, but he had that idiot smile on him (like always). He's always smiling, as if he's never been sad or unhappy before. I remember asking him: "You've seen through everything, haven't you?". He didn't say anything. Just watched the spiders on the abandoned stained glass. And smiled.

"I don't like it when I lose my temper", he said. "So I smile at everything. That way, I won't have to control myself from tearing their throat open".

I laughed at that response. "Relatable".

He replied with a chuckle. "Perhaps, I won't have to hide my frown from you". He strode towards the basement stairs, his gentleman-like posture struck out to me the most. "Join me on my hunt next time, would you? I'm sure we'll be great partners". His smile was stable throughout. No hesitation. No pauses in-between. That was when I began to learn how to hunt with my bare hands.


  • Smiling
  • Abandoned houses
  • Reading
  • Hunting
  • Napping next to rivers
  • Chill on high trees
  • Strolling through the forest

  • People who tests his temper
  • Loud noises
  • Technology
  • Spicy food
  • Winter

Mother. KAZEHAYA Acquaintance

"He's a reckless boy. Always hard to handle, but he does what has to be done. Sometimes he gets too full of himself and I have to clean up his mess, but that's what makes him unique."

MIKURA Hunting Partner

"A little boy who never grows up, but he knows how to hunt. I know he's hiding his true instincts from everyone, but it doesn't matter. All i need to know is that he is a good hunter."
