


2 years, 5 months ago



Name: Iris

Age: 22* (September 22nd, *human years)

Gender: Non-Binary (they/them)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 161cm (5'3)

Species: Simulacrum (artificial demigod)


(Don’t mind the occasional she/her’s, i gotta remake their profile)
Iris is one of the main character of the story. She's an artificially made demigod, currently living in Canada in Eloise Lepire's apartment. Iris is unexpressive, monotone, monochromtic and, above all, chronically sleepy. She tends to fall asleep at random times and is almost never seen not looking absolutely exhausted. On average she sleeps between 15 and 20 hours a day. Though they may seem like the most boring person that has ever existed, Iris is a very powerful individual with extreme destructive capabilities. Her powers range from affecting the weather with her emotional state, to creating barriers (that can be used as umbrellas), from teleporting, to slowing down time, from putting people to sleep with a kiss (with consent), to actually being able to destroy an entire planet if she ever so desired. Despite their clear predisposition to destruction, Iris has no interest on pursuing any of the violent wishes she may receive from time to time, as she simply could not be bothered, as well as the fact that their energy is very limited and using her powers depletes it very quickly. They have adapted to the modern human life relatively quickly and, as far as anyone knows, she has no intention of going back to her home.




Eloise (roommate)

Iris and Eloise are roomates and they get along pretty well. Iris is really fond of Eloise and finds her very interesting and, overall, fun to be around (despite not expressing it). Whenever Eloise seems down, Iris tries to get her to open up about their feelings, often to no avail. She may not be vocal about it, but Iris truly cares about Eloise and would never leave her side.

Vivian (friend)

Iris and Vivian ar good friends. They don't talk much and that's what makes them click as friends. Overall they are buddies.

Adam (friend)

Iris and Adam are good friends. The two have a pretty normal relationship, with Adam sometimes asking Iris to do some magic tricks and her promptly refusing. Overall they are buddies.