


2 years, 4 months ago



Name: Vivian Watson

Age: 20 (June 15th)

Gender: Doesn't care, mainly girly tho (she/they)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 163cm (5'4)

Nationality: Canadian

Species: Human

Her eyes are closed most of the time. They're light blue (#C3D3F9)


Vivian is a supporting character in the story, her role mainly being that of Adam’s girlfriend. She’s a very quiet and soft-spoken girl, who always has a relaxed expression on her face and hates conflict more than anything else. She meets Iris and Eloise rather early in the story, being introduced to them by her previously mentioned boyfriend Adam. The two met at the grocery store where Adam works at, and they sloooowly started building a mutual interest in one another. When Vivian is first introduced, she and Adam have been dating for about 2 months. She’s very kind and caring, constantly trying to look at the positive side of things and trying her best to help others in any way she can. She’s also a pretty good cosplayer and has a talent for sewing and costume-making (aka she’s based).


Vivian was born and raised in Canada though she spent most of her childhood in and out of doctor offices due to her apparent mental health issues. She went for the longest time without a proper diagnosis, which only led her to getting bullied and ostracized in her school days. At around the age of 16, after having a severe breakdown in the middle of the night that resulted in her harming herself, she was admitted into a mental institution where she was eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia and put into various kinds of treatments. Due to most of her treatments not working well, she stayed in the institution for way longer than she desired, until she was finally released at around the age of 18. Since then, with a much effective treatment, she’s been doing a lot better and has been happily living with her parents. Sometime after she turned 19, she met Adam at a grocery store and the two immediately clicked, first as friends, then as romantic partners. Two months after they started dating, Vivian also met Iris and Eloise.

That’s about it, she’s got a bit more going on than her beta cuck boyfriend lmao (im joking Adam is awesome)


Adam (boyfriend)

Adam and Vivian are romantic partners. They met at the grocery store Adam works in where they started seeing eachother and talking regularly, until they decided to go out together. They love each other very much and can always count on one another. Their favorite activities usually involve dressing up cuz they're both really into cosplay.

Eloise (trying to befriend)

Vivian likes being around Eloise and she seems to be unaware of the ladder's dislike for her. She always tries to get her to do fun activities together, with Eloise promptly refusing and giving her the cold shoulder. Despite all, Vivian won't give up in trying to befriend Eloise.

Iris (friend)

Iris and Vivian are good friends, often hanging out together. Vivian was actually the one that made Iris's current outfit and, overall, the two get along pretty well.