Twilight inspired 40€



2 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer


Only looking at sale or Mushwoomy/Halocastle designs

*Leaving info as flavour text you can erase it*

-The spellborn "child" of Princess Luna and Princess Twilight

-Not fond of socialization, lives ((more like hides)) in a small abandoned castle pretty far away 

-Night Owl, mostly sleeps throught the day

-Loves bugs and keeps them as "roomates", freely roaming around their castle (scorpions and beetles are their favourites) and birds too

-Also loves stargazing, pottery, and swimming (theres a natural pond with a waterfall near to the castle)

-She was called by the Map and sent a forgotten kingdom at the very border of Equestria to figure out what happened there...

In the end Moondust is the child of Twilight and Queen Xenon, but Twi considered lying was the best, and was quite shocked when the Map called Moondust to the Forgotten Kingdom but she thought that they should discovered the thruth on their own, or never know it at all