


6 years, 6 months ago


F e l r e n
"Seek out the sufferer
Shelter the stray
Weary wee wanderer
Find thee thy way

Search through the nightened woods
Banish dismay
Perilous lightlessness
Bow down to day"

[ A G E | B I R T H D A T E | G E N D E R | N A M E ]
28 | September 29 | Male | Felren, formerly Felkias

[ R A C E | O C C U P A T I O N | R E S I D E N C E | S T A T U S ]
Descendant of Thraakol | Guide | The Nation of Thraakol | Widower

[ H E A L T H | H E I G H T | P H Y S I Q U E | P O S T U R E ]
Adequate | 5'2 | Slight | Wilting

[ H A I R | E Y E S | C O M P L E X I O N | E X P R E S S I O N ]
Pale | Sunny | Alabaster| Mournful

P e r s o n a l i t y
Abject | Bitter | Distant | Resolute

Prior to the murder of his family, Felren was a solemn but gentle Descendant, content in devoting his life to his kingdom, those lost outside of it, and--most important to him of all--Renfel and Mirfel, his wife and daughter respectively. Though reserved in the majority of his interactions, Felren was willing to find, save, revive, and protect wanderers who strayed too far into the perils of his homeland. When he was younger and had a fresher outlook, he used to enjoy his duty as a Guide immensely. To help others in need was not mere a duty, but an honor.

The downfall of his kingdom and ruthless slaughtering of his wife and daughter have since robbed the brilliance, and perhaps even the existence, of his enthusiasm. Where Felren was merely reserved before, he was now reclusive. His gentle joy and ... have since dulled to a downcast ... He now bears a selfish indifference antithetical to his duty as a Guide.

Withdrawn, reserved, resentful, downcast, resigned, weary, conflicted

S t o r y
Abject | Bitter | Distant | Resolute

Withdrawn, reserved, resentful, downcast, resigned

A Descendant of Thraakol who once functioned as an active guide for wandersome souls in the dark, dangerous, ever-changing forests surrounding him. After a vicious kingdom laid siege to his land, his duty as a guide dismissed as arbitrary by his captors, but still Felren persists in finding the lost and taking them in. Peacefully but persistently Felren resists the wastefulness of the new kingdom occupying his home, and though the rest of his family has been eliminated either during the initial war or through execution for disobedience, his dedication to his land and to those lost in the woods surrounding it keeps him from giving in.