Reggie Ster (Manager Mode)



6 years, 6 months ago


Reggie's species is a special one. They are regarded as destroyers of worlds, with warriors sent to different worlds every year to clear the path for their people. When he was a child, Reggie, along with several others, was sent to Earth, tasked with complete and utter destruction. However, whether due to weather or pure fate, he was stranded from those he had arrived with. Alone, confused, and afraid, Reggie wandered into the grocery store and cried.
It was there that the store's manager approached him, taking him under their wing and taking care of him. Reggie was touched by the kindness, and vowed from then on to use his powers to protect these stores instead, and all the humans that went inside.

When Reggie needs to take action, he utilizes the full extent of his managerial powers. This form is only seen by those he dubs as bad customers, and there they learn the reason behind his near impossible tasks he always seems to finish with ease.

Non-human Abilities:

Eyes - There are ethereal eyes that float behind Reggie at all times. The five eyes bad customers see are only a few of the many eyes hidden around the story, keeping an eye on everyone inside.

Arms - Reggie has the ability to solidify his energy into a set of extra arms he uses to help with checking or stocking. They are like the eyes, floating around his body rather than sprouting out of it. He can have a max of six arms.

Telekinesis - The power to move things with his mind. Uses it to help with checking and stocking, or sometimes to stop burglars from running off.

Overtime - Whenever a customer is dubbed bad, they'll find that the world loses color, and everything freezes- people stop moving, no sounds are made, it's as if the world has been frozen in time. Reggie will move through this to confront bad customers. After he's done, time restores and the customer will feel as though they have awaken from a bad dream, but they will know full well that it wasn't.
Should a customer still disregard Reggie's warning, he will control what happens in the store. Sometimes it happens in the form of him creating a kind of wall that physically keeps only them from entering the store; sometimes it's through making everything they've bought rot/decay/expire as soon as they get home. In a way, it's like Reggie can bend and break the laws of physics when he drags people into this dimension of his.