unnamed project (Leo (concepts))



2 years, 6 months ago


name:  Leo (last name may be Anderson)
age: early-mid 20s
pronouns: he/him
personality: calm & calculated, sus(picious of everything), keeps to  himself, very strong (both physically and mentally) bashful+awkward in relationships
fashion sense: the knight in shining armour - prefers comfort and  practicality over looks, but can pull off formal clothing surprisingly well
fav flower: white roses

he has poliosis (hence the white hairs)


Goals: protect those he loves (family, friends) and prevent things that could cause harm to them in the future. Not particularly patriotic but does want to stop the war

Values: appreciates honesty (hates corrupt people who lie a lot) also very honourable. (this is why he didnt kill dimitri in the cave! To kill someone while they’re already down isnt a very honourable fight you see) his allegiance is to the republic, to democracy! (nah jk but man if I could write an angstier obi wan i would)

Personality traits: is actually very caring towards people but prefers to isolate himself and times can even come off as cold (see backstory) calm & calculated, sus(picious of everything), keeps to himself, very strong (both physically and mentally) bashful+awkward in relationships

Weaknesses: SELF DOUBT. OH MY GOD LEO you poor thing :sob: literally so fearful of messing things up all the time it holds him back (dimitri helps with this as an overconfident bastard) not super good at reading others. His eyesight in his left eye isn't as good thanks to an old injury.

Strengths: oh no I gave him all weaknesses and no strengths wtf - jkjk he is pretty good at coming up with plans others dont expect. Physical strength

Reasons he likes dimitri: dimitri never lies, he actually listens to leo and remembers small details about him, very good at calming his fears, also very good at cheering him up and making him laugh, very charismatic, but its one of those i-dont-like-most-people-but-youre-the-exception things. Gotta love those :)

Backstory: grew up in a farming village (actually not super far from where fighting broke out) remembers waking up one morning with a fuzzy head to hear yells as his village was marched on. His parents valiantly helped him and their neighbours to escape from the invaders, and soon after they promptly signed up for the military. He was bought along, but was not yet old enough to fight. He grew to somewhat enjoy military camp life, and was trained before he was ready anyway bc they didnt want him to just be idly sitting around. He also did a lot of work in the kitchens (hes a great chef) before eventually he was old enough to join in battles. He was already used to seeing wounded soldiers from his time spent in camp, so he got over the sight of battle easier than other recruits and was able to rise through the ranks quickly. He was a strong and valiant fighter, already quite skilled in combat from his extra time spent training and had some good spur of the moment strategies that saved many people more than once. (hence he was taken to the palace) However after a few of his friends died in various battles, he became more closed off, and less willing to make friends as he couldn't stand the heartbreak of them dying. He isolated himself and used that time to train his mind and body so he could fight better.

Going to court was not exactly his favourite thing. He appreciated the FOOD oh god the food,,,,, but being in court where people are corrupt and lie all the time? Ouch not so much of a fun place to be in for a guy who likes honesty haha - he was still mostly isolated minus princess no name and that fool that keeps showing up to flirt with him LOL - at least the cooks let him cook his own meals every now and then :)