unnamed project (environment and extras)



1 year, 9 months ago


Frozen kingdom of the north: needs a name.
- Well known for it's huge population of gryphons, these creatures were abundant when humans settled there and they have since used them to fill the role of horses in many places - used as mounts, for sport, and occasionally for farm work. There are several different species of gryphon, ranging in size and colour. The huge frostgryphs of the furthest north are used as the trademark mount for the royal guard, and can be seen on banners representing the royal family. These lands are also sometimes referred to as 'the lands of the gyphons'
- The royal family resides deep in the huge mountain range that spans the north. They live an enchanted (but well fortified) castle deep within the mountains, which is also the location of their capital city. A huge sprawling expanse of old, dark houses which is only accessable by (you guessed it) gryphon. This mountain range is a dangerous place for the inexperienced - many species of mountain/tundra dwelling animals reside here, and most have grown to huge sizes. (typical fauna of the mountains - snowcats, ice bears, snowgryphs, snow/ice dragons, mountain dragons, wolves, etc)
- These territories border on the lower forest lands, and not all of it is snowy. Towards the border the mountains and snows make way to marshy scrublands, occasional copses of stunted trees, and (gravel pits?) there aren't exactly many places suited for raising livestock anywhere in the kingdom, so they tend to survive on eating a mostly vegitarian diet.
- The marshes are actually quite a colourful and lively place, and many interesing and bright plants and animals reside there. Many people also live in the marshlands too, living in floating shelters or houses built on packed mud spanning huge villiage expanses through the marshes. Due to the huge quantity of bright plants - especially flaxes and tussocks - the people of the marshlands are well known for their vibrant cloths (a lot of which is transported to the mountains of the north, for the royal family to use for garments. kindagets dull looking at shades of grey and blue you know what im saying)
- There is a huge disconnect between the lives of the people who live in the marshes and those who live closer to or in the mountains.
- The royal family fled to these lands many generations ago, due to reasons unknown, lost in their past..

Lower forest lands: also needs a name
- THIS is dragon country. There are hundreds of dragon species living here, though for ease I'm gonna break them down into catergories (forest dragons, jungle dragons, plains dragons, mountain dragons, generalists) there are many more dragon species than those who live here, but most other territories are less accepting of dragons and tend to drive them away. The people living here decided to accept that 'the dragons were here first' and take that life in stride. They have learned to coexist with dragons, using them to help with everyday activities - they do ride them, use them for hunting and farming, and in a lot of cases just as pets - but unlike the gryphons of the northern kingdom they will not push the dragons to do these tasks, and certainly don't use them for sport. They are gentle creatures for the most part, and are to be revered and respected. There is a dragon military, but it makes up a very small portion of their fighting force, so the people in it have generally been trained for years alongside their dragons (its rare for a dragon to allow itself to become a military mount like this) and are a very talented and specialized part of the force. They are usually reserved for dire situations.
- Dragons will allow general riders most of the time though. They are a very useful form of transportation (the fastest one, for sure) and typically they are the larger species of dragon. They will have one 'rider' (or dragonkin, as they are sometimes called) and they fly from place to place, picking up passengers and taking them where they need to go. Dragon taxi service but for a whole country lmao
- The people live in settlements the people of the north would call more 'primitive' as many of the houses take the form of the land - treehouses are common - and the people try not to take more than they need. A lot of their houses are also strengthened with dragon materials, Sloughed skin and scales are popular building or decoration tools. Dragon bones are forbidden for use on houses. There are a few settlements that take the form of more 'conventional' houses, but these are mostly used for visiting dignitaries or embasseys, as a lot of people prefer to make their houses accessable for dragons. Dragons fit into every way of life, and most homes have at least one. (they range in size so the smaller ones are like scarier cats)
- There is no monarchy in this kingdom. There are annual meetings all the time of people coming together to discuss and resolve any issues that may affect them, and almost everyone can have a say in these meetings so all problems are considered. The larger meetings can sometimes last for weeks, and are a hub of activity and festivities.
- There is a huge, several week-long dragon festival every year. People dress up as dragons, and celebrate their friendships with each other and the dragons in their lives. People often give gifts to those close to them.
(job ideas: weavers, seamstress, potters, carvers, farmers, builders, healers,)
Carvings are an important way of telling stories. Many people will have carvings around their doorways to tell the stories of their family, and to show visitors. As such, carvers are well respected in their communities, and it is a trade that is often taught to several different people rather than passing down through family lineages. (edit: I now know that the reason jobs were passed down through family lineages were due to the medieval guild system so this makes even more sense lol)