Eris Dulosus



2 years, 4 months ago


Keep your heels, head, and standards high.

Eris Dulosus

[ About ]


Eris is the second child of the Dulosus family, and grew up on the water near Angrunia with their mother, father, and other siblings. They were only 11 when both of their parents had passed, and had a difficult time balancing both their mental health and school work, and began spending more time focused on their passion and art. Sirius was hard on them for this, and tried to get them to focus more on their education but eventually let them focus on what made them happy. Eris spent a lot of time at home helping Apollo and Luna while Sirius was working, since they were the most mature out of all of them. They became very protective of Luna and took on many responsibilities. They weren't too happy with Sirius spending so much time away, but one day overheard him worrying about having so many things to pay for and 3 siblings to take care of. Eris began to understand the stress he was under and sympathized with him more, and understood his decisions when he made them.

They had always wanted a sewing machine, and on their 14th birthday Sirius was able to save up enough money to buy them one. Eris immediately dedicated all their time to working and creating clothes for not only themselves but the rest of their family. Sirius's only rule about the machine was that he would be able to use it as well to mend things. Eris agreed and began looking for jobs so they could make enough money to buy fabric for their own personal projects, even with Sirius discouraging the ideas. They kept working hard to keep their grades up and gave half their money earned to Sirius to help pay for necessities, using the other half for fabric and small gifts for Apollo and Luna. Having this sewing machine also helped them discover their identity, and they came out to Sirius at age 15, and their other siblings a little while later. Apollo also came out to them after finally realizing what their own feelings were, and Eris felt more assured with themseves. With this newfound confidence in themselves they began to sell their clothes, and made a small profit from it. As they improved and expanded their market, more and more people came to buy and Eris began making a name for themselves. Eventually at age 18 they were offered a large sum to have their clothes featured in a few different shops. Eris was hesitant at first due to not wanting to abandon their siblings, but Sirius encouraged them and they went on to make enough money to live comfortably and give money back to Sirius to help support him, Apollo, and Luna. They made sure to visit as often as they could while also focusing on their job, and noticed Apollo beginning to isolate himself from the rest of the family.

During Eris's first year of growing their business, they had to bid a tearful farewell to Luna as she was sent off to a boarding school to help her gain control over her magic abilities, since no schools in their area had those types of courses. It was also because of Sirius's struggles with money, even with Eris's added income. This school was about 5 hours away, but Eris promised to send her their new clothing lines as often as they could. They sent their care packages every few weeks, and read the letters Luna sent back and used them as inspiration to help them continue creating, and shared their new ideas whenever Luna came back home over the summers. After a few years, Luna's letters became more sparse and Eris planned a trip out to the school to see her. When they arrived, they discovered that Luna was deep into her studies and had started working to become a magic healer, which was rare among young witches according to her teachers, and she'd already been accepted into her first choice college. Eris promised to support her as much as they could both financially and emotionally, and tried to pay off as much as her debt as they could so she wouldn't have to struggle. They also offered to support Sirius and Apollo if they wanted to go to college, but both declined, since Sirius was providing for themselves already and Apollo didn't want their help at all. Eris tried their hardest to keep everyone together and planned loads of events for them to meet up with eachother at, however issues would always come up like Apollo being too busy, Luna having exams and important lessons, and Sirius having too much work. The next time they were able to all meet up together was at Luna's college graduation, and finally got the chance to rebuild their relationships.

[ Personality ]


  • Sewing
  • Fashion Design
  • Dancing


  • Art Theft
  • Fast Fashion
  • Scalpers


[ Basics ]

GENDER Agender (They/It)
AGE 32
OCCUPATION Fashion Designer

[ Facts & Trivia ]

  • They fell in love with fashion design at a young age after watching an outdoor fashion show downtown with their parents.
  • They visit the makeshift graves Sirius was able to make for their parents every year and plants new flowers for them, and tells them everything that happened that year.
  • It paved the way in the Angrunian fashion industry for non gender conforming clothing options and models.
  • They currently live in a lofted apartment above their own store that they opened a few years after Luna got into college, and has been working with smaller fashion designers to get their work out into the world.
  • It's very willing to take risks in business due to their confidence in their younger designers it took under its wing.

[ Relationships ]



Although Eris doesn't like any gender conforming language, they absoulutely love being Luna's "Big Bro". Because of this, their relationship has always been close and Eris has supported every little thing Luna's wanted to do, and she's done the same, letting them use her as a mannequin.



Eris helped Apollo identify themselves, and felt proud that they felt comfortable enough to express themselves around it. However, he began attatching himself too much to Eris, and they started distancing themselves from him for their own mental health. Apollo then refused to talk to Eris after that point, and didn't interact with them until they all attended Luna's graduation.



Eris accidentally found out about what happened to their parents at only 12, and tried to help Sirius wherever they could to help keep their family together. Sirius only tried to protect them, and Eris understood this with every decision he made, even when they felt like it was unfair.



Eris fell in love (platonically) with the confidence Lee had in everything that he did, and after formally meeting him began to ask him everything about his life. He became Eris's focus for their next fashion line, and both them and Lee got closer and became good friends.